Bruce's voice.


Victory is at hand.
Jan 7, 2005
Not too many dudes really sound as good to me, except for Geddy Lee of Rush.

Bruce has that manly opera like voice.

Geddy has a weird voice; I’ve seen him live and can tell you, this dude can sing just like a woman; you wouldn't know it was a man if you didn't see him doing it. Yea he could switch voice without a synthesizer, and when mixed with echoplex, it’s really cool.

Some chick told me she didn’t see anything special with Iron Maiden’s ‘Brave New World’ or with Bruce’s singing as far as that goes. I said he has millions of fans, and he has a hansom voice and you recognize him right away, and nobody else sounds like him, it’s a signature voice; I attribute it to his natural voice.
Bruce can pull off stuff live just like he does in the studio. He has a great natural voice with a wide range. He's the best at what he does for sure.
Have you noticed how raspy is voice is on no prayer for the dying? The man is in control and his voice has personality just like the songs do. Have you ever heard the B Sides where they do tons of cover songs? Incredible! MAIDEN RULES!! :worship: :worship: :worship:

Bruce is, hands down ,one of the greatest singers I've ever heard. IMHO, there's no one can who match him for power, range, emotion, chops, showmanship and great songwriting (as well as good looks!!!!! ;) ). Of course there are those out there who have some of what he has, but he's one of the very, very few who has it ALL!!! :rock:
momadave said:
Bruce can pull off stuff live just like he does in the studio. He has a great natural voice with a wide range. He's the best at what he does for sure.
Have you noticed how raspy is voice is on no prayer for the dying? The man is in control and his voice has personality just like the songs do. Have you ever heard the B Sides where they do tons of cover songs? Incredible! MAIDEN RULES!! :worship: :worship: :worship:


yeah, bruce is definately one of my favorite singers of all favorite singers. like my guitar players, i enjoy thick vibrato's! my friend had the single of the trooper back in high school and i remember being thoroughly impressed w/cross eyed mary on the other side. :worship: