Brutal/Slam Death Metal

The best places would be either from the bands or from the usual labels (sevared, comatose, brutal bands). I have Septycal Gorge, Dying Fetus, Devourment, Defleshuary, Suffocation and Disgorge in terms of BDM shirts.

what devourment shirt do you have?
To people with brutal shirts, what are they?
Do you just pick up the logo ones with normalish backprints (like Down from the Wounds) or do you get the extreme ones and just wear them to shows/in private? Or even wear them out?
I usually go for logo shirts, or if they have pictures or words, then stuff that is relatively mild or nonsensical (FALSE SALVATION TO DEFORM! :kickass:).

turkish cenotaph is the good one right?

what devourment shirt do you have?
It's the UBR 1.3.8 one
So I've heard the new Poppy Seed Grinder and I've read the review. The cd is absolutely sick, I'll buy it soon. One thing I don't like is that it's connected to Dying Fetus too much. Khaaranus itself called it Dying Fetus Metal, which is seriously too gay for this band. No matter.
Indeed, Human Filleted and Arsebreed def. have good bassists who know how to do stuff other than follow slams.

BTW JFAD, glad you bumped this thread.


Also Sevared Records has officially obtained godlike status recently with the signing of Vulvectomy and the announcement of release of the new Hideous Deformity later this year/early 09. Now this Human Mastications needs to come out on Sevared (which it should eventually).
I was listening to Cumbeast today, silly name but they're really groovy and sick I thought, not the most brutal ever but m-a still said they were brutal death, anyone know of any more really really groovy brutal dm bands but preferably ones that tune lower and have heavier production?
I would maybe like Human Rejection if it were not for the pig squeals.

I have been out of slam for a couple of months, what are some of the latest and greatest?
Kraanium - Ten Acts of Sickening Perversity is pretty good, Gortuary's album is great, Gorevent have released an album which I assume is good based on myspace, Blaze Inside - Pure Potenciality rules and Poppy Seed Grinder - Humanophobia rocks.
Couple more: split between Katalepsy/Fleshrot/Blunt Force Trauma is pretty good...somehow still haven't gotten all the way through it (it's like 40-something minutes so maybe that's it, but probably not)...Katalepsy's tracks are sometimes awesome, sometimes weirdly not great as usual, but their sample use is still impeccable (too many Saw samps though). Fleshrot is generic brutal death, once again making me feel sorta bad for Britain and their unluckiness with slam outside of a few bands. I haven't even listened to one of the BFT tracks yet, but I assume it will be raw slam in the typical Japanese guttural caveman style.

Hideous Deformity recently put out a new promo in advance of their new album due out later this year/early next year. Devourment played a new song at their MA show which you won't hear because no one taped it that I saw (well, you'll hear it when it comes on the new CD next year-ish) Human Mastication song is awesome.