Brutal/Slam Death Metal

if anyone can recommend me some underground versital brutal death with very good vocals(no pig squeals unless theyre used few and tastefully) and good production i'd really appreciate it
something like hour of penance, jig-ai minus the vocals, suffocation of corse, and lotsss of slow slams. Just to give a general idea

Try Fleshgod Apocalypse, Inveracity and Decaying Purity. Defeated Sanity would work too.

Re: the UKDM's currently sorta lame. But yeah some bands do rule, as the list Killbot just posted will let you know.
Inveracity and Decaying Purity. Defeated Sanity would work too.

^ These three are all ruddy ace.

I know generally you can take V5 and CC's words for it that something is ace, but seriously, they're ace.

EDIT: Kastrated are ace. and they used a Mighty Boosh episode for a sample. I'm getting the split. Only a fiver. Plus they got that different types of growls thing which i love going on. You actually can tell he's saying words instead of just "Rawr rawr rawr raaaaaaawr". Ingested, also on that split, are great too. Not the biggest fan of Crepitation, more brutal, less slam, but good.
EDIT2: Random clicking around this thread has also proved Nailshitter to be ace.
I must be a complete noob, just discovered Poppy Seed Grinder. This is fucking devastating!!
Just found Embryonic Depravity as part of my searching for UK death. Good stuff. Apparently they're doing a split with Gorevent soon.

EDIT: Well apparently that split has meant to be coming out since 2007 so I hold slightly less hope.
In my defense, the blog was posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2008.

EDIT: and I kinda forgot about them for awhile, but got redirected while I was searching, Goretrade make me hard in my special place. The promo sounds ace too.
JFAD: Yeah, ED rules! We interviewed Rob, their vocalist. Great d00d, and his blog Deranged Epidemic is sick! And yes, their split has been sup4r-delayed, probably because they're working with fucking gay Permeated Records...bunch of faggot ripoffs!

Re: Goretrade. First album > second imo.
Yeah, I caught that interview, there was a blog on their myspace linking it.
I love slam bands and shit. They're always really nice :p It's like the heavier the band, the more meniable the people making it.

EDIT: Woo Grindethic. They may have released Detrimentum, an album 10 years in the making, that I found shit whilst the rest of the death community seemed to cum over, they've redeemed themselves.
Last year they released North-West Slam Fest, and now they've released a Katalepsy/BluntForceTrauma/Fleshrot split. Who fancies sending me £7?
EDIT2: Fleshrot are good, and Uk-based, and i already knew Katalepsy were ace. Blunt force trauma seem... off. Something just seems a little out of sync, a little cut short, chop-change or something. I dunno. Don't like 'em that much.
Yeah I was talking about the on the other page I think? It's solid but kind of a letdown. Grindethic are cheap scummy bastards from what I've heard, but w/e.