Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Epic skimming through this thread post time :D
Yes. I'm this bored. Plus finding a bunch of awesome band has spurred me on. Prepare for a long post.
Digested Flesh - Sweet jesus. Heavy. It's giving me an odd feeling in my stomach. And seemingly dissolving the phlem in the back of my throat. Dunno if this is just in my head or it's fucking designed like that. Bloody awesome :D
Beheaded - Not slammy enough for my tastes. Focusing more on breakdowns than the slow grooves I love.
Begging for Incest - A little stop start. Vocals too high in the mix. Just when you're starting to get into a riff, it changes, and throws you off. Specially when they start putting samples in the middle of a song.
Abysmal Torment - :kickass: YES. just YES. Breaks down just at the right moments.
Fetal Mutilation - The one song on their myspace suffers from terrible production, but can hear the quality through it.
Immaculate Molestation - Pretty damned good. Awesome to see someone put solos into slam death. Would benefit from better production. Hopefully the full length will have it.
Necrotic Disgorgement - Mainly because the dude in it has been through so much shit. Yay for links to interviews through Slam-minded. Heavy, heavy, FUCKSOLO whilst still being heavy. Vocals are abit shitty. Just as I was about to type "bit boring", slams appear :p Not amazing. Bit let down. This great production job could've gone to someone more worthy.
SARCOLYTIC - not a fan.
Try Fleshgod Apocalypse, Inveracity and Decaying Purity. Defeated Sanity would work too.

Re: the UKDM's currently sorta lame. But yeah some bands do rule, as the list Killbot just posted will let you know.

inveracity for the fucking win, i FA we're good too. decaying puritys vocals/snare sound annoyed me to death and defeated sanity will defintly grow on me real good
well the severed savior is definitly an improvement from their older stuff. Better structure, more interesting, definitly brutal, amazing production if that convinces you to take a listen haha

human mincer is pretty appetizing, one of those bands where i love the music but the vocals can get old real fast, diggin their brutality and tenacity though
Severed Savior, along with Invercity, are one of the few brutal death metal bands that I really like. I will for sure check out the new tracks.
Vocals on new Human Mincer are done by none other than the MIGHTY Phlegeton (Wormed). HM also features Wormed's bassist Guillemoth.