Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I have heard of Slam Death, however I don't believe a "metal community" exists. I hate music "communities," "scenes," or whatever you want to call them, and I don't think they should exist. It's like middle school for people who listen to the same music. It's childish and retarded. Listen to music because you like it, choose your friends because you like them, don't chose your friends based on music, or vice versa. When I can't go to fucking Walmart without seeing groups of 20 long-nasty-haired computer nerds that claim to like the same things as me and try to "recruit" me to join their "Suupr Duupr Black Death Church Bannana Cult" I want to make them swallow their eyeballs, scalp them, brake open their scalp and slam their brains into a curb and run the remains through my fingers. Oh! Now I know where Slam Metal comes from!

. . . . I feel better now
I have heard of Slam Death, however I don't believe a "metal community" exists. I hate music "communities," "scenes," or whatever you want to call them, and I don't think they should exist. It's like middle school for people who listen to the same music. It's childish and retarded. Listen to music because you like it, choose your friends because you like them, don't chose your friends based on music, or vice versa. When I can't go to fucking Walmart without seeing groups of 20 long-nasty-haired computer nerds that claim to like the same things as me and try to "recruit" me to join their "Suupr Duupr Black Death Church Bannana Cult" I want to make them swallow their eyeballs, scalp them, brake open their scalp and slam their brains into a curb and run the remains through my fingers. Oh! Now I know where Slam Metal comes from!

. . . . I feel better now

life is one big community, get used to it. every cliche, is based off of truth. it doesn't always apply to everybody, but it applies to most. for example, you're officially in the "i hate groups and communities though i'm in the "i hate groups and communities and groups" group". that's life, be like me, just don't think nor care about it. if you fit into a stereotype, then so be it. if you don't, then cool, whatever.

oh and welcome to UM
that thing someone posted a bit back was relatively clean but not quite enough, and also the volume sounded like it was on a rotary effect - moving back in forth in the mix. Really annoying. The music was good, though.
I have heard of Slam Death, however I don't believe a "metal community" exists. I hate music "communities," "scenes," or whatever you want to call them, and I don't think they should exist. It's like middle school for people who listen to the same music. It's childish and retarded. Listen to music because you like it, choose your friends because you like them, don't chose your friends based on music, or vice versa. When I can't go to fucking Walmart without seeing groups of 20 long-nasty-haired computer nerds that claim to like the same things as me and try to "recruit" me to join their "Suupr Duupr Black Death Church Bannana Cult" I want to make them swallow their eyeballs, scalp them, brake open their scalp and slam their brains into a curb and run the remains through my fingers. Oh! Now I know where Slam Metal comes from!

. . . . I feel better now

Generic new guy post #271.
I have heard of Slam Death, however I don't believe a "metal community" exists. I hate music "communities," "scenes," or whatever you want to call them, and I don't think they should exist. It's like middle school for people who listen to the same music. It's childish and retarded. Listen to music because you like it, choose your friends because you like them, don't chose your friends based on music, or vice versa. When I can't go to fucking Walmart without seeing groups of 20 long-nasty-haired computer nerds that claim to like the same things as me and try to "recruit" me to join their "Suupr Duupr Black Death Church Bannana Cult" I want to make them swallow their eyeballs, scalp them, brake open their scalp and slam their brains into a curb and run the remains through my fingers. Oh! Now I know where Slam Metal comes from!

. . . . I feel better now

I speak for everyone when I say that I'm deeply sorry that you have discovered such a stupid thing which is the Internet. I'm so sorry that we all have long hair and do nothing but play WoW for 9 hours at a time, living with out parents in white suburbia.

Apologies also for creating the Suupr Duupr Black Death Church Bannana Cult. We assumed that you wanted to conform to our "unique" beliefs and go to Hot Topic every day and sodomize each other while listening to I Killed The Prom Queen, while also sacrificing small animals on tables in the middle of the forest.

We all apologize, so now will you do us a favor and asphyxiate yourself with a small toy?

Septycal Gorge

the problem i have with this band like a lot of other slam death bands is as crazy as this sounds, they aren't aggressive and in your face enough, there are only a few songs on their album that really kick me in the face. the whole tremlo and then slam a lot of the time just sounds kinda mechanical which really bugs me, bands like wormed, suffocation, skinless's new album and cryptopsy's none so vile have tremlo and slams but its in your face and aggressive and balls out. i find myself searching through tons of albums/bands but most of them just feel kinda plodding along and not so aggressive, if anyone has any recommendations that match what i said i'd appreciate it so i don't have to search through as many bands.
I think I know what you mean. I think it has to do with the vocals in this case, which are not quite as aggressive as the bands you mentioned. I find I enjoy Septycal Gorge more because they have interesting and brutal songs, rather than aggressive and brutal songs if that makes any sense.
Yeah, I'd like to hear some really brutal Slam thats new, I've heard some of the basic slam bands already.
Check out these:

Infernal Revulsion
Blaze Inside
Abominable Putridity
Cenotaph (Tur)
Mindly Rotten