Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Incredibly boring band. Funny enough that their debut, which doesn't feature their main claim-to-fame which is usually speed/technicality/etc. is their best (and by best I mean it's the least bad).
Origin is a band that I should hate, but the latest two are damned good, regardless of how much I don't want to like them.

The fact that Matti Way is even involved makes me want to listen, also.
I got a random ass myspace request from Infantiphagia and i was realllly impressed, reminded me of necrophagist

I just checked out Asphyxiated on exrement by Cerebral incubation, its pretty solid from what i'm listening to right now. im usually not huge on pig gutturals but this guy isn't annoying with it at all.
Maybe it was some of their older stuff, i don't think anyone even did vocals for them last time i listened. What im hearing now is more slam infested than the tech deathery that i remember.
I'm currently listening to the new Human Mastication and I won't finish it because I really don't see what one can see about this band. this is a perfect example of mediocre and average slam effort. The sound is done so one can hear every instrument clearly I guess, but overally it sounds so bland. The vocals are really really boring, that guy has two growls that he keeps repeating and that's all. No variability whatsoever, same as guitars. The riffs don't bring anything new and it's all like you've heard all of that before, just in a better fashion.