Brutal/Slam Death Metal

WAIF clearly neglected the fact that V5 described slam as mostly avoiding having any verse-chorus structures, something that deathcore uses a lot. Not that I like either kind of music, but even I know that.

Also I don't really know how to make a distinction between hardcore breakdowns and slam death breakdowns without either using the genre names (which is pointless) or describing it in musical jargon which I do not know.
I was talking in terms of the section where he describes a breakdown.

I would describe slam death slams as being slower and instead of doing the half-time drums + synced double-kick/palm-mutes thing deathcore, they use these messy palm mutes where they don't cut off the whole sound and use way more snare.
The major, major difference is hardcore/metalcore/deathcore's use of open chords among the "slams" (pretty much just pseudo-slams, they always do that heavily accentuated crap when constructing breakdowns in deathcore), slam death almost never uses open chords in slam breakdowns because it takes away from the constant bludgeoning sound.
I was thinking more about that when listening to The Sorrow on the way home from class, yeah. Core breakdowns have many more pauses.
Some of them are really long. I listened to some As Blood Runs Black yesterday and there were some that were like 3 measures.
I actually don't mind deathcore breakdowns in principle, but they frequently suck.
And there's often that "jumpdafuckup" crap where they yell shit that sounds absolutely retarded. I enjoyed As Blood Runs Black's album until the first breakdown and then it becomes hard to listen to...
And there's often that "jumpdafuckup" crap where they yell shit that sounds absolutely retarded. I enjoyed As Blood Runs Black's album until the first breakdown and then it becomes hard to listen to...

"bring da mutherfuckin ruckus"

i love that breakdown.
Yeah, that's it.

And the really long one I was talking about earlier, where it just stops and then the dude is screaming "in dying days" really slowly, there's a drum fill, and then the guitars come back in. It's surprisingly long.
oh yeah, with my slam project, i decided to do it by myself so i wouldn't have to be worried about anybody holding me back except for myself. but yeah, i decided i was going to have two projects, one of which is pretty much straight forward slam. the other project is taking a very different direction. i've written a song for both of them. the straight forward slam song is sounding pretty good but i decided that i wanted do something slightly out of the ordinary with it so i wrote some unique bass lines for it some of which including slapping and popping. the other project (if it turns out how i hope) is like groovy stoner rock with slam elements. hopefully both turn out good, i just need to get my main computer back up and running before i can record