Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Hmmm this thread seems deadish
Im gonna listen to Purulent Jacuzzi and Drowning in Phemaldehyde's most recent full lengths in the next bit of spare time at home I have. I dont see much promise in PJ being any good because it sounds damn stupid. DiP... I remember listening to a demo or ep a while back and thinking it was okay... so I'm hoping they dont suck.

Curently listening to
Poppy Seed Grinder ~ Humanophobia
PJ actually is quite good, despite the dumb name. I expect you'll be surprised.

They do sound pretty good.. but I have gripes with them... the first being that the album has 29 tracks and the longest is the outro at 2:18, nearly double as long as most of the rest. I have this problem with grind in general... as soon as I start to get into something it's already over... the samples dont help either... a :27 second burst with a :10 sample at the beginning is a bit ridiculous.

I suppose I dont have any real problem with them music~wise and like their sound... but I have the same problem with them as I do Pig Destroyer. (which may be a bit of a stretch to compare them to...) every time I start to get into a track, it ends. It's premature music ejaculation. :err:

Even at that... Consequences of the Raping fucking owns. :headbang:

On to DiP in just a few minutes.

Edit: DiP is awesome... or atleast they were on a first listen.

and this:

makes me laugh.
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So, where does Slam Death intersect with Grind? Or maybe, how does it not intersect?

I heard New Zealand's Odiusembowel's EP yesterday and even if it's labeled as death/grind on M-A, I'd say it's half slam half grind, and also - fucking awesome.
So, where does Slam Death intersect with Grind? Or maybe, how does it not intersect?
I would say the place where slam and grind mix most is in the Colombian scene with a band like Blaze Inside for example. There isn't a whole lot of overlap in general beyond both being extreme, but sometimes slam bands utilized blasts and shorter, more chaotic song structures like grindcore does.