Brutal/Slam Death Metal

It might be a controversial opinion but I partially associate it with the idea of reissuing the Butcher The Weak album which had poor sound production. Of course after Wayne's death I do not have high hopes towards their new album. I kind of feel that it is already overhyped and it will be kind of overrated.
I don't understand this. Butcher the Weak was rerecorded and reissued because the first release was self released and consequently had poor production. It is a really good album and even if they only match it with their new one, I will be happy. I don't expect another Molesting the Decapitated to ever come out again. I don't see how Wayne's death affects how good the album will be. All he did was Babykiller and the demos. He did not appear on either full length.
I don't see how Wayne's death affects how good the album will be. All he did was Babykiller and the demos. He did not appear on either full length.

Wow, you got me there I think. Sorry for my limited knowledge. I only knew that he didn't do vocals on Molesting The Decapitated".

Well...I guess I pwned myself big time.

EDIT: I have sentiment for original Butcher The Weak and it's muddy sound production.
I think Wayne's vocals were the worst out of the 3, tbh. He was ok, but he's not even in Ruben's league, and I think Mike was slightly better than him as well.
The bottom line is that if the album is even close to the other full lengths, it will be the best Slam Death album released since Butcher the Weak. They're the best and the original at what they do, so I'm excited even if I don't expect it to be quite as good.
Wayne does perfect work on the songs he did, especially Choking on Bile (he is definitely the best at that track, bar none) but I find myself agreeing with Jeremy slightly. Ruben is my favorite, his vocals on MTD are absolutely sickening and brilliant. Mike is good and did MORE tracks than Wayne, but Wayne edges him out slightly in quality. Still, Mike rocks and the lineup is better sounding as it is now with Chris on bass, Ruben on guitars, etc., esp. since the ex drummer and guitarist are teaming up to do some slam stuff of their own.
When Wayne is at his best, he's fantastic. When he's not at his best... he sounds like shit. Ruben did the best IMO, they should've stuck with Ruben on lead vocals.
^apologies brother, have not heard that band.

I prefer the original Butcher The Weak, IMO they left out the slammier riffs when they re-recorded, but anything by Devourment is always eagerly anticipated aye.

I'm waiting for the new Infernal Revulsion CD, they're doing it right :)
{Moved From Outstanding Death Metal Thread}

Well if any of you like some brutal death metal I just checked these guys out. Dunno if you heard of this band or will like them. I think it beats listening to bands like Debauchery, Devourment, Disgorged, or Wormed.

Also check out




And Lastly

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Fuck you and your horrible taste. And I posted the download link for the Devourment songs in the death metal thread as soon as I saw them in the myspace bulletin.

Slam has been lacking lately... I need to start listening again.

2 new tracks from Omnicide have leaked too... cant post those because Im not sure if they're official.
viewer_from_nihil said:

and half of the bands that you listed aren't brutal death metal

Hmm lets see... Better vocals... Good Riffs... Good Drums... IMO I think its better. and ill admit. Mental Demise isn't exactly Slam, my bad :err:
Krow said:
Fuck you and your horrible taste.
Hmm.... No can you back that up please :) I'm ready for this argument. Hope V5 doesn't tell me to piss off :erk:
Comparing any of that garbage to Wormed or Devourment is laughable.

Cliteater are alright... but they arent slam...

So your saying that Reek of Shits and Mental Demise is shit? Lol wtf... I say hell no. Putrefy can't be that bad either I mean... Come on. What the hell... I mean sure go ahead and defend Devourment I didn't say their shit.

Lets put it this way.... lets say you go up to some random metal head. You don't know their taste. And you dont' know who they are. You give them song samples and ask them on which sample sounds better. What sample do you think they are gona pick is the question. Which band is more straight forward and clicks in. Yes dedication is a good set forth point but what about determination. But if the bands are different genres... I will agree that neither band is better than the other.

If that is however the case. I may as well make a goregrind thread :lol: