Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Wanted to listen to some slam... found this.


This is different... like... maybe even Wormed different. o_O

Cookie sent me a song that ruled and was beyond any other slam I had heard in a while. I need to get that album soon.

Any news on a new Inveracity in the near future? Is Circle of Perversion any good.
Assuming you're talking about Dripping... fuck yes.

I've been trying to listen to brutal death metal lately... really enjoyed Infernal Torment's Man's True Nature... not sure what I liked about it... and I dont think its slam... but I enjoyed it. (hilarious artwork too)
What are the best albums of this genre? Haven't really looked into it much and I'm a little interested.
I'm planning on doing a two CD BDM haul

which two should I get out of these?

Cenotaph - Puked Genital Purulency
Cenotaph - Voluptuously Minced
Saprogenic - Ichneumonid
Saprogenic - The Wet Sound of Flesh on Concrete
Fuck Omni, I have agree with you in the past three posts. Planispherum is a good slam record and is different and experimental but is in no way avant-garde.
It's generally well-known in GMD that I'm Alter's least favorite member of this website by a good margin and that he rarely agrees with me about anything. :)

Now to never post here ever again since I don't really like this type of music.
Abysmal Torment ~ Omnicide has leaked.... (or was it released?)

Either way... I'm pumped and ready to listen with high expectations.

Edit: At first listen... this is the best I've heard of the genre this year... and we still have Devourment to go. :kickass:
To answer ohiogrinder's original questions, I'd get the Cenotaph but their best album imo is Pseudo Verminal Cadaverium.

Wormed are not avant-garde. Experimental maybe, but not avant-garde. They are firmly within the slam/brutal death metal genre.

According to M-A, Omnicide will be released on the 27th of April.
Omnicide has something that annoys me in it. First thing that comes is the weird/modern sounding guitar tone which I got used to after few songs, but the drums also sound weird and I don't really like the synthetically mastered voice. Also, some of the breaks. Overally, this really isn't as good as I expected.