Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Fine... I'll move this conversation towards to a proper thread. If that is fine with you all so this meaningless argument could end... Since supposedly these bands are not "Brutal Death Metal"
I just viewed that post and...
Anyone wanna send me the new devourment songs?

Fret not; the band put them up so no need to receive them clandestinely. However, an easy option is available to you; access Slam-Minded, your portal to brutal death metal news and reviews :)cool:) and seek a post a couple down from the top which links to the songs in question. Then, proceedeth to bang thy head.
Oh what the hell i'll check them out as well... Better be better than their older material. :mad: I'll always find room to give bands another chance with new material. Or perhaps depeding on reputation.

Edit: Eh they sound much clearer... Alright... my view on them has changed lol
How prevalent are gore lyrics and pig squeal vox (not necessarilly together) in slam death?

Gore lyrics = heavy amount
Most slam has inhaled vocals... if you call that "pig squeals" then I guess it's guilty... but some vocalists like Heinous Killings (may not be slam), Wormed/Human Mincer, and Crepitation take it so much farther than that.

And dammit WAIF I was in the process of sending you the songs because I was bored. =P
Gore lyrics? Nearly universal. As in, probably over 99 percent of slam death songs have lyrics about gore.

New devourment is excellent.

EDIT: Thanks anyways
Deeds of Flesh are pretty wicked. Those guys are riff machines! Yeah slam death is a cool style, although it gets repetitive fast at times.
I dont think they're slam... but it's okay.

I'll make some goregrind thread if there isn't one. Yea I was kind of like What and hell when you guys were givin such disgusted remarks. Sometimes I confuse myself with goregrind and slam but hey shit happens. I mean I was looki naround youtube and shit when i was checking out devourment.
whats the general consensus on Deeds Of Flesh - Crown Of Souls? I like it, but was wondering what everyone else thinks.
It's pretty standard Deeds of Flesh. Not as good as Path of the Weakening but still very good.

The new Devourment songs raped me. Win.
They didn't rape me because it was consensual.

How prevalent are gore lyrics and pig squeal vox (not necessarilly together) in slam death?
Gore lyrics are nearly universal although there are some notable exceptions. Pig squeals are probably in less than a third of the bands and the really annoying kind (i.e. Deathcore vocals) are in less than 10% of the bands I'd guess.

EDIT: And sometimes they work with the music pretty well. For example Human Rejection.

I'll make some goregrind thread if there isn't one. Yea I was kind of like What and hell when you guys were givin such disgusted remarks. Sometimes I confuse myself with goregrind and slam but hey shit happens. I mean I was looki naround youtube and shit when i was checking out devourment.
You have no idea what you are talking about so you should probably cut down on the posting until you do.
Wanted to listen to some slam... found this.


This is different... like... maybe even Wormed different. o_O
Nope... this is the first time I've ever heard of them. I saw the tracklist and thought it looked really different. Didnt think it'd be this good.