Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I heard New Zealand's Odiusembowel's EP yesterday and even if it's labeled as death/grind on M-A, I'd say it's half slam half grind, and also - fucking awesome.

Thanks buddy, I was in the band when that was recorded :headbang:
They're based in Australia now

The new TOOLS OF TORTURE was recently released on Despise The Sun Records. The cover, which looks badass, is by Phlegeton (also did art for Wormed, Human Mincer, Cesspool of Vermin etc.) and it sounds kind of like technical slam/deathgrind sort of stuff. I just ordered my copy from Sevared and suggest all who think they'd be fans to do so as well. Myspace has some good strong songs up. I would say it sounds like Malignancy plus some Colombian style blast-slam (Blaze Inside?) plus a bit of American influence in the breakdowns. (dunno why the URL is this but it's the right one)


Amazing album. Best slam/brutal death record of 2009 for sure (yes, I'm that confident that no other album will be able to touch this gem). More technical and brutal than "God On Acid", and slightly less focused on slams, but absolutely brilliant and well worth the wait.

Amazing album. Best slam/brutal death record of 2009 for sure (yes, I'm that confident that no other album will be able to touch this gem). More technical and brutal than "God On Acid", and slightly less focused on slams, but absolutely brilliant and well worth the wait.

How can anyone be sure of that with new Devourment on its way?
It might be a controversial opinion but I partially associate it with the idea of reissuing the Butcher The Weak album which had poor sound production. Of course after Wayne's death I do not have high hopes towards their new album. I kind of feel that it is already overhyped and it will be kind of overrated.
Of course the fans of a genre are gonna hype an upcoming album when the fathers of the fucking genre are releasing it...

And it went from... "New Devourment will suck ass." to "it will be kind of overrated." in less than 5 hours... interesting.

I'm hoping its great... I'm hoping Omnicide will be good too. I've been slam deprived lately... and no new material is frustrating.

The new TOOLS OF TORTURE was recently released on Despise The Sun Records. The cover, which looks badass, is by Phlegeton (also did art for Wormed, Human Mincer, Cesspool of Vermin etc.) and it sounds kind of like technical slam/deathgrind sort of stuff. I just ordered my copy from Sevared and suggest all who think they'd be fans to do so as well. Myspace has some good strong songs up. I would say it sounds like Malignancy plus some Colombian style blast-slam (Blaze Inside?) plus a bit of American influence in the breakdowns. (dunno why the URL is this but it's the right one)


I just checked this out.

It took a couple songs to get into... but damn it took off and took off hard. I loved it.