Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Now to never post here ever again since I don't really like this type of music.
but do like browsing every thread for a chance to shoot someone down?
Not that you weren't obviously correct, but wow.

According to M-A, Omnicide will be released on the 27th of April.

I read this as being related to the preceding Omni-related arguement. I could go for that.

Also, I don't hear Wormed as being particularly experimental. I'm not truly familiar with the area, but they're definitely not doing anything too out there. Just being incredibly fucking brutal and bucking the trend of pointlessly disgusting lyrics.
Omnicide has something that annoys me in it. First thing that comes is the weird/modern sounding guitar tone which I got used to after few songs, but the drums also sound weird and I don't really like the synthetically mastered voice. Also, some of the breaks. Overally, this really isn't as good as I expected.

I can see where you find the tone of the guitar and drums weird, especially the drums, but none of it really bothers me. I am a bit torn on what I think of the album though. On one hand I really fucking love it, while on the other I am confused with the atmosphere.

I will listen to it some more before I make an actual intrepretation.

EDIT-->SHIT! This part sounds like Korn!
They have some sections that are very "weird" and bizarre, plus their demo/EP Floating Cadaver in the Monochrome has an awesome acoustic section in one song.
Also, I don't hear Wormed as being particularly experimental. I'm not truly familiar with the area, but they're definitely not doing anything too out there. Just being incredibly fucking brutal and bucking the trend of pointlessly disgusting lyrics.
It's pretty obvious tbh. The rythms are pretty different than your average slam band and they a lot of unique things scattered throughout their album.
To answer ohiogrinder's original questions, I'd get the Cenotaph but their best album imo is Pseudo Verminal Cadaverium.

Wormed are not avant-garde. Experimental maybe, but not avant-garde. They are firmly within the slam/brutal death metal genre.

whats the difference anyways?

and you said both Cenotaph or just one?
You definitely could, you just probably shouldn't.

@Cookie: like I said, I haven't listened to enough slam for it to be immediately apparent when a band is using different rhythms. The weird parts you mentioned aren't coming to mind, but throwing a couple weird things on an album doesn't generally make a band experimental.
@Cookie: like I said, I haven't listened to enough slam for it to be immediately apparent when a band is using different rhythms. The weird parts you mentioned aren't coming to mind, but throwing a couple weird things on an album doesn't generally make a band experimental.

The whole album is exremely "weird" when compared to most slam... It's experimental in the way Demilich's Nespithe might be considered experimental, imo.
I used to really be into this style, not as much anymore. I still dig a lot of the classics though. Suffocation, early Cryptopsy, Gorgasm, Deeds of Flesh and Devourment will always have a place in my CD rotation.