Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I really like the album, but of course it could be improved. I find Gee's vocals very new to be honest, they're very "dry" and airy, not wet and guttural like usual, which is nice. I mean, yeah, all he really does is go "YUUUUUUUUUUUHHH" all the time, but I don't mind because it's cool sounding. I guess there could be more variation there, I'll give you that. The drumming is really good, also, actually. There are some really cool flavorful cymbal fills etc. The slams sometimes play in a weird, inventive, off-time sequence, which is cool to hear. I dunno, I like it. Have you heard Down from the Wound?
I really like the album, but of course it could be improved. I find Gee's vocals very new to be honest, they're very "dry" and airy, not wet and guttural like usual, which is nice. I mean, yeah, all he really does is go "YUUUUUUUUUUUHHH" all the time, but I don't mind because it's cool sounding. I guess there could be more variation there, I'll give you that. The drumming is really good, also, actually. There are some really cool flavorful cymbal fills etc. The slams sometimes play in a weird, inventive, off-time sequence, which is cool to hear. I dunno, I like it. Have you heard Down from the Wound?

"New" and "Inventive" are the last words I'd use on that record. And yes I know Down From the Wound, they're very good and far better than this imo. They're entertaining and good sounding, with a good vocalist.
Well, Tristan in DFTW just sounds like Ruben Rosas, really. I think it is pretty undeniable that Gee has a different type of vocals in HM that sound rather new, as I haven't heard any other bands do it.
I'm currently listening to the new Human Mastication and I won't finish it because I really don't see what one can see about this band. this is a perfect example of mediocre and average slam effort. The sound is done so one can hear every instrument clearly I guess, but overally it sounds so bland. The vocals are really really boring, that guy has two growls that he keeps repeating and that's all. No variability whatsoever, same as guitars. The riffs don't bring anything new and it's all like you've heard all of that before, just in a better fashion.
I'm surprised you feel this way. I thought that album was really cool and had a lot of unique features, like how the snare and the slams would play off each other. There are tons of other albums that sound bland and derivative, but this is not one of them imo
Well, Tristan in DFTW just sounds like Ruben Rosas, really. I think it is pretty undeniable that Gee has a different type of vocals in HM that sound rather new, as I haven't heard any other bands do it.

They just seem regular to me. And now that I revisited the DFTW, their vocals are pretty similar yeah, but that Tristan atleast tries to do something different, maybe even going along some lyrics, which I can't say about that other dude.

You mentioned Wormed in your favorite album thread.
They're Slam Death.
Also Devourment.

Another option would have been to read some of the thread.

Oh okay, let me just scan 109 pages then. No problem!

Wormed is amazing. What exactly is slam death though? What are the parameters here?
Slam riffs are palm-muted rhythmic syncopated riffs. Usually slam death bands have breakdowns utilizing these, which can take up a good majority of a song. Often slam bands don't really have straightforward verse-chorus songwriting because the style eschews that in favor of a hard-hitting rhythmic approach which loses a bit when a chorus or verse is repeated successively (imo anyway).
Yeah, UNLEASH THE CARNIVORE. They will more than likely play a good bit of the new album at MDF, which will be fucking amazing.
Slam riffs are palm-muted rhythmic syncopated riffs. Usually slam death bands have breakdowns utilizing these, which can take up a good majority of a song. Often slam bands don't really have straightforward verse-chorus songwriting because the style eschews that in favor of a hard-hitting rhythmic approach which loses a bit when a chorus or verse is repeated successively (imo anyway).

Of course if you replace the words "slam death" with "deathcore" this is still true.
If you can't hear the difference then you are retarded.

No shit.
I'm saying that that description is too vague because everything it says technically also occurs in death/hard/metalcore breakdowns - palm-muted syncopated rhythms that take up a large portion of a song. They just do this in completely different ways that sound completely different.