Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I'm listening to the new Despondency and it's far better than the Abysmal Torment imho, I especially like the varied vocals. They're also a tad more slammy.
Those Waking the Cadaver lyrics are still really bad. They've gone from laughable to just stupid and generic.

@Dakyrn: a little random; wrong thread maybe? I'm maybe considering going. It depends on when it is, who I'm going with, and how much money I have at the time.
Well it isn't the concert thread but it's mostly brutal death bands so outside the concerts thread I figured this was the closest applicable thread. :(

Trying to talk some locals into going but would be cool to grab some UMers too.
So... I've decided my favorite brutal death metal album is Viral Load's Practitioners of Perversion. In the past week I've listened to it about ten times... Their vocalist's range is insane (from cookie monster to death growl to high pitched shriek all in the same song)... their slams are awesome. It's pretty much perfect, imo. I'm shitty at describing things... just listen for yourself. >_>

I only like couple of Viral Load's tracks, I find Brutalized Beyond Belief quite decent. I rather stick to Insidious Decrepancy.:kickass:
I remember listeing to ID before... I'm gonna have to check them out again because I dont remember any of it. Been listening to lots of slam lately... Orchidectomy is one of the best I've heard... Dead for Ten Weeks was cool... Other than that, I was revisiting Human Mincer, Wormed, and Dripping. You all know how that turns out. :)

This has been assaulting my ears. Im not all the way through it yet... but other than the vocals.. which are a bit sub par, vomit sounding... this album is really really good.
I don't know, I just thought it was totally pointless with stupid production, and Angel's vocals worked much better in Cephalotripsy. Alternatively, it could be my bias against Cali slam.
Hmmm any opinions on Awaiting the Autopsy?

Something about their really brutal, but not too disgustingly brutal lyrics alone made me take a listen. I really like their vocalist too, as far as slam vox goes...

Seems enjoyable enough.

Edit: gonna check out Truculency ~ Eviscerate the Parapalegic... album title sounds like Devourment worship. hope so.