Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Well alright I guess I'll be specific about it. So far it seems interesting. I don't have too much to say about it as for I don't really have a problem with it. Of course it does have the usual structure to it like their older releases from what I hear I mean theres also a bit of choir. You understand what I mean? Really don't feel as if it's necessary to go any further on the explanation.
Are you checking if these bands get the "approval" for you to like? I like disfiguring the goddess. Not A LOT but they're ok. I like the song they did with I declare war.
Been busy today... havent even got a chance to listen to it myself. Will let you know tonite.

Edit: But.. going by the tracklisting alone... it seems they're doing what tons of bands are lately and turning down the gore...
It's boring IMO. Nothing about it sticks out. I do like the song dead, has a decent slam in it.

Did you just bring that nerdy 4chan talk towards me?
It's boring IMO. Nothing about it sticks out. I do like the song dead, has a decent slam in it.

Dead does have a good slam... Involuntary Suicide has some pretty cool parts too... the vox are way above average for slam... I'm enjoying it so far, but I'm also a fan of their last full length as well...

Edit: The non slam guitar parts really stick out too... The farther I get, the more I like this.

Also... this caught my eye earlier today...


Something about the ridiculous cover and the broken English drew me to it. Waste of time or interesting?
Second album is better, but it's worth a listen.

edit: I might see Shaun of Putrid Pile this weekend...he was drunk as fuck and hanging out with Barrett at the Sevared booth last MDF, who I was hanging out with also for a while each day.
I d/l'ed both... didnt get to them though...

Listened to the new Putrid Pile, Soils of Fate.. Malignancy... and some random Butcher ABC (I know they arent BDM, but they're still fucking awesome) last night.

Edit: If no one has noticed... I've been reading through the thread looking for things I havent heard yet... instead of asking for recs. :)

Double Edit: Does anyone have Dripping's The Lost Archives Of A Channeling Expedition? I want to hear it... and cant seem to find it anywhere.

Triple Edit: Nevermind. FrostDomain hooked me up.
carnivore diprosopus is pretty good. Haven't heard the pregnant corpse album though. Who does that artwork? I like the style.
That album art is the reissue art... the original is terrible. It's signed but I have no clue what it says. I especially love the Raven creature on his back.

Ugh. All your asses are at MDF. Can you buy Unleash the Carnivore like speculated?

I think I actually enjoyed the total Devourment worship of Carnivore Diprosopus' first album more than the second.

Checked out a few albums last night. Beheaded and Vomit the Soul are both good, I'd go as far as to call Beheaded awesome.
Putrefukation was just... bad. One of the worst slam albums I've ever heard tbh.

Also saw that Infected Disarray's full length leaked today. I've never heard of them but from what I've seen written about it, It's supposed to be really good.
Unleash the Carnivore fucking rules. You've been officially warned.

The new Pathology is also awesome. Get it asap.

re: Carnivore Diprosopus: the cover to MMA is by none other than Mike Majewski!
I've never even heard Infected Disarray be

Devourment deserves undying fucking support, by the way. If you download, be sure to preorder that shit! It's so goddamn good!
I'm gonna buy it when it's released (and maybe a shirt too)... I just cant wait. ;)

Infected Disarray was being called "brutal death metal album of the year so far" on a couple places I look for music. It's really good, but from what you're saying, Devourment is going to take it to another level.