Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Listened to Bloody Anatomies' Promo 2009 (Japanese slam) last night.... and Triumph of Evilution (Katalepsy/Fleshrot/Blunt Force Trauma split)

Both of which kicked major ass. :kickass:
Hey guys... I haven't posted here in a while. I've been constantly masturbating since I bought the new Devourment at MDF, which makes it difficult to type.
I would just like to say that I like Inherit Disease, their vocals are boring, but I enjoy the little technical thing they have going on. Plus they were solid in concert.
Pretty good. A little too long, but there's a cool song with like 5 different guest vocalists all from the Italian scene which is a damn cool idea. I love the Italo slam scene.

I listened to the album a while back... but decided to give it another listen... really liked it this time. Cover art is awesome too.

Guttural Orgy is definitely really fucking cool. :kickass:

Edit: Italian & Japanese slam ftw, in general.
Wow...That guy really doesn't get that album. Fuck him. I'll write a review myself to help their score. I can understand not enjoying it, but 3%?
Someone posted a review of Torsofuck's Erotic Diarrhea Fantasy on here that was on M-A of this stupid 15 year old kid going "OMFG THIS IS NOT MUSIC". That was a lol, but it has since been taken down.
Here was the review SNap is referring to.
I'm honestly surprised M-A took it down... I suppose people complained about it.

This Cannot Be For Real... - 10%
Written by Glasylabolas on May 14th, 2009

What the hell is this music? Can it even be called music? My God, this is an abomination!

Vocals: Deep, brutal gurgling. That’s really all it is, some random vomiting and shitting into the microphone. This is inexcusable; it is brutal, YES, I admit it, but it just makes this shitty music even shitter. I’m sorry, even the lyrics put me off. Brutal as they may be, they still are just… repulsive. Maybe that’s a good thing.

Guitar: Nothing special here, about two or three very simple chords are played during every song with a little bit of tremolo picking. If the guitarist is talented, he certainly is not showing it.

Bass: Not that bad actually, it accentuates the guitar and stays there. I personally think that is a very good thing, there is not any more shitty musicianship needed in this album.

Drums: It’s a drum machine, if it was a real drummer, this would be where the real talent is. Unfortunately, these guys are pussies and don’t have a real drummer that can play.

Overall: This music is just terrible, in fact, it cannot be called music. It is indeed an abomination.

Glasylabolas's profile
Username Glasylabolas
Rank Metal newbie
Points 13
Real name Alex None
Gender Male
Country United States of America
Age 15
Favorite metal genre(s) Thrash, Death, Black, etc.
I'm 15, and I love all kinds of heavy metal. I especially enjoy Slayer, Cradle of Filth, Cannibal Corpse, and a German band called Rage. However, I do love the old school greats such as Metallica, Anthrax, and Iron Maiden