Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I got bored earlier and made a slam comp... mostly just for use in my car, but really good stuff... if anyone is interested..

20 bands/tracks. Choice material on songs. I think it turned out pretty well.

Edit: this is probably a waste of time for V5 and CC.
Check your pms.

High quality mp3s (320kbps) most album art attached to the files... I tried to make it look nice.
Could you give me some names in your comp?
Age of Onset sure is a kick-ass album. But I also prefer Incisions of Perverse Debauchery after giving it a few listens...kind of enjoy Blessed through Suffering & Reborn to Kill.
The bands present (in order of appearance)

Dead For Ten Weeks
Poppy Seed Grinder
Awaiting the Autopsy
Carnal Decay
Guttural Secrete
Human Rejection
Infinite Defilement
Vomit the Soul
Down From the Wound
Abominable Putridity

Vulvectomy and Katalepsy were left out because I didnt have any on my computer at the time. :(
Thx for the names : D The bands I know are not included so gotta check them all out. Guess it'll take some time... Infinite Defilement & Egemony are 1-man bands? Never heard that before with a metal band...
Then you clearly haven't listened to much metal....

There were a few bands on that list I'd not heard, so I'm glad he sent let me hear. I'll be buying a few this week.

Infinite Defilement is surprisingly awesome (for those who still don't know). Awaiting The Autopsy is better, though.
Yeah actually I'm a rookie in death metal in general & slam in particular. I've enjoyed only Children of Bodom (they're melodic though). I've been searching for death metal bands & other subgenres of death for a while. After running into Age of Onset I made a search with 'slam death' and came across this thread. You guys sure have thorough knowledge in metal so I wanted to get in to get learned :D
I have heard nearly every band on that comp and they are all good.

I'd guessed you had... which is why I said it would probably be a waste of your time.


So yea... this = awesome.
Oh, yeah I know. I mean don't buy package deals and stuff from them. I did and it never came. I emailed them a lot and always got excuses back saying they'd ship it again etc. or ship it to another place. Never got it, ever.
Checked their myspace... and they have a new full length coming out on July 28th. "Apostles of Inexpression"
