Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Poppy Seed Grinder - Oppressed Reality is awesome.
Goretrade - Perception Of Hate is really awesome.
Saprogenic - The Wet Sound Of Flesh On Concrete actually didn't really impress me.
For Poppy Seed Grinder... I thought Humanophobia was the better album, personally.

I'll second picking up the new Flesh Consumed.
I like Oppressed Reality more.

controversial opinion: PSG/Defeated Sanity split houses some of the best tracks of both bands (off the top of my head, PSG has "The Unmenigable of Consequences" and DS has "Forensic Entomology"...don't ask me what "unmenigable" means).
anyone heard the new Chainsaw Dissection yet? i got an older album of theirs the other day, actually not too bad, decent guitars, i give it 31/2 out of 5.
Has anyone here heard Vitality - Voracious Malignity? If not, go listen. I've only had a chance to listen once, but initial reports indicate it may be my new favorite brutal death album. Riff after bludgeoning riff of grooving brutality.

Cenotaph - Pseudo Verminal Cadaverium - these vocals are shit, and the music is meh.
Smashed Face - Virulent Procreation - Music is okay, but the sound is obnoxious and the vocals are distracting and unpleasant.
I stand by that. I didn't make it through the whole thing. I'll probably give it another shot but I was unimpressed.
I bumped into Age of Onset [Patholgy] and Oracles [Fleshgod Apocalypse] a few weeks ago... They were formed quite recently right? I haven't heard anything about them before. They sound ok I think. Do you guys know other albums of them?