Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Except they did and you clearly have no idea what you're talking about, as Devourment's founding members formed Necrocide in 1994 and, thus, predated plenty of stuff with their demo material. They've never claimed to play NYDM, and their style is definitely not like that anyway (even if it were "like NYDM", what does that even mean? NYDM does not even have a specific sound; it was just a scene term/brotherhood chapter founded by Morpheus/Morpheus Descends members) and is usually considered a totally different thing. Devourment were THE first full-fledged slam band, influencing every single band playing slam via proxy even if newer bands don't find them to be a direct influence. They were THE originators of the sound, and you're a goddamn retard.

edit: fuck you krow, you ninja scum
You know what is faggotry ?, the entire fact that you've probably never heard of the demo's and albums that your favorite bands ripped off and most likey don't even listen to those bands.

go fuck your cousin
I have Human Waste on cassette, so...uh...yeah. You're wrong and also stupid. In addition, Disgorge (FROM CALIFORNIA)'s demo predates most other brutal death metal anyway so I bet Devourment were also highly influenced by them, as that shit is very, very awesome and, well, brutal for its time. Go stand in the corner now.
Damn, you used my reference, V5. So, uh, yeah! GRR! And who gives a fuck? So what if there were 3 obscure demos that they most likely don't know either? Really? Does it matter? They made it what it is today. So you hate every band that wasn't hella underground and only release 2 demos in the mid-80's/early 90's? That's real faggotry, sir.
I don't even think Internal Bleeding has been mentioned once in this entire thread.
You fags remind me of Bloodbath fans that don't even know who the fuck entombed are,etc..

how can you not listen to bands that one of your favorite bands ripped off ?. I don't understand.
They had no idea how to play slam and sounded more like awkward hardcore/death metal (early deathcore maybe) hybrid with hamfisted Suffo-worship breakdowns with none of the interesting structures of Suffocation. You're gay and wrong, go away.

on topic, kinda...or relevant to slam and not arguing with the Greys...know who else doesn't know how to play slam (and thus infuriates me because it's not hard yet they clearly WANT to)? Dysentery. Yes, I'm bringing this up again. Greys got me angry or at least slightly frustrated, so I'm welling up my old pet peeves again. Dysentery sucks. Massachusetts slam sucks. Your band is not good. You do not know how to write this kind of music. STOP TRYING SO HARD AND PLAY A BREAKDOWN THAT DOESN'T BECOME SOMETHING ELSE IMMEDIATELY. IT ISN'T HEAVY OR BRUTAL OR HARD. IT'S BAD. And no more technical noodly-woodlies! Fuck this shit!

This has been a PSA by V5!
Internal Bleeding suck Suffocation's dick about 500x more than Devourment, so get learned or leave.

I'm not really saying Internal Bleeding are even 2 percent as good as Suffocation or Morpheus Descends, but they took the BRUTAL AND SLAM and full fledged and concentrated soley on that element, which is the samething Devourment does. Suffocation was not just about being brutal and they showcased musicianship. Internal Bleeding did not.
It follows logically, then, that Devourment took the BRUTAL AND SLAM of Suffocation/Internal Bleeding, took out the gay hardcore jump da fuk up shit Internal Bleeding threw into their songs at fucking random, and made violent, disturbing, disgusting, vile, incredible music that you apparently fail to comprehend the significance of. Out with you!
Yeah, they do. I was skeptical that they would. So was Nick. Nick actually almost didn't believe me that they were awesome, but I managed to convince him to buy Couldn't Tell The Bodies Apart at MDF. He digs it. Anything featuring Phlegeton in any (even tiny) amount is good.