Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Just got these releases yesterday:

Extirpating The Infected - 2009 - Vaginal Saw Entorturement MCD
Saprophagous - 2009 - Dimensions Of Diverse Brutality
Sepsism - 2009 - Distorting The Mortal Visage
Yogth Sothoth - 2009 - The Dark Waters Are Shaken

So far I've only listened to EtI and I didn't much care for it..
For one, the songs were way too short. 1:43 - 2:40 for each.
And only 2 of them I would listen to again.

Still to come this month:
Perverse Dependence - Gruesome Forms Of Distorted Libido (September 29, 2009)
Septycal Gorge - Erase The Insignificant (September 2009)
Embryonic Depravity - Constrained By The Miscarriage Of Conquest (September 2009)
Some older classics I just got introduced to.
Definitely worth checking out..

Scattered Remnants - 1998 - Destined To Fail
Eternal Suffering - 1999 - Drowning In Tragedy
Eternal Suffering - 2007 - The Echo Of Lost Words EP
Dehumanized - 1998 - Prophecies Foretold
Cerebral Hemorrhage - 2001 - Exempting Reality
Sintury - 1998 - Disgorging The Dead
Regurgitation - 1999 - Tales Of Necrophilia

I've listened to Drowning in Tragedy, Disgorging the Dead, and Tales of Necrophilia so far and I'll go out on a limb and say this list is fucking awesome.

Got any more older albums up your sleeve?
I've listened to Drowning in Tragedy, Disgorging the Dead, and Tales of Necrophilia so far and I'll go out on a limb and say this list is fucking awesome.

Got any more older albums up your sleeve?

Aborted Fetus - 2005 - Devoured Fetuses EP
Afterbirth - 1993 - Psychopathic Embryotomy (Demo)
Baphomet - 1992 - The Dead Shall Inherit
Beheaded - 2002 - Recounts Of Disembodiment
Beheaded - 2005 - Ominous Bloodline
Entorturement - 1998 - Descend Into Deprivation EP
Internal Bleeding - 1995 - Voracious Contempt
Mutilated - 2003 - Devirginated Genital Pulp
Prophecy - 1998 - Foretold... Foreseen
Prophecy - 2002 - Our Domain
Purulent - 2001 - Garavito's Pedophilia Tales
Pyrexia - 1993 - Sermon Of Mockery
Repudilation - 2001 - Repudilation (Compilation)
Sect Of Execration - 2002 - Baptized Through Blasphemy
So new Sepsism is out... I know basically nothing about the band but snagged it... havent had a chance to listen to it.

Should I be optimistic?

Since you said you like me, I'll warn you that V5 is right is expecting meh things. It's not terrible, but it's bland, horrible tone for guitars, riffs are somewhere between grindcore and regular ol' death metal. Not very brutal, not very slammy, just walking down the middle of the tracks. Worth your time to dl maybe, but not worth 10 bucks.
Since you said you like me, I'll warn you that V5 is right is expecting meh things. It's not terrible, but it's bland, horrible tone for guitars, riffs are somewhere between grindcore and regular ol' death metal. Not very brutal, not very slammy, just walking down the middle of the tracks. Worth your time to dl maybe, but not worth 10 bucks.

Well, its better then their older releases in opinion.

Anyone know whether this is good or not?

Anyone know whether this is good or not?

When Mankind Becomes Diseased - 100%
Written by Skullfucked on March 14th, 2008

This is some seriously intense shit. Imagine Decapitated on speed, add in a little twist of Hate Eternal and you have our good friends Fractured Insanity. Diminished in no way by its obvious Decapitated worship, this album will do all it can to rip you open and destroy your very soul.

The album starts of with “Nihility”, a creepy little intro that sounds like the damned spirits of Gehenna are trying to get out of your speakers. After a rising intro, the music starts abruptly with “Eternal Disease”, which instantly leaps out and disembowels you on thundering blastbeats and punishing riffs. Right from the beginning you can tell the production on this disc is superb, for this kind of music at least. Clean and crisp, but with a raw edge that makes them sound much more organic. All of the instruments are clearly audible, with an exception to the bass, which pops in and out of hearing, and the vocals are mixed in just at the right level, so they’re not too overpowering.

And oh the vocals! Like a deeper version of Sauron’s legendary growls on Winds of Creation, this man is god when it comes to the microphone. The almost never varying vocal style might get monotonous with other vocalists, but not Svograth, his subtle pitch shifts being more than enough to satisfy the need for change in technique.

The guitar work is very riff orientated, almost no solos or melodic bridges to be found here, just a constant crushing wall of sound originating from the SOLO guitarist, and with the ridiculous amount of skill found here, that’s a hard fact to believe. The bass is very good as far as I can tell, especially if he’s keeping up with the rest of the band, which is no mean feat, although the listening experience would be that much better if it were audible all the time. Finally, but no least, is the drums. If the band where a well oiled combustion engine, than the beast behind the kit would be the pistons. Almost constant double kick batters you into submission throughout the entire album, leaving your ears ringing and your heart pounding. The man almost never slows down, and one wonders if he has limbs of steel to withstand the tremendous stamina required for such an assault.

I highly recommend for lovers of all metal, especially tech death in the vain of Decrepit Birth’s new offering and Sarpanitum’s Despoilment of Origin. Buy or die
Can you guys help me out and create a list of non-American grindcore/death metal labels. We are in the process of making a cd and no US label will release anything.

I'm pretty sure they were under the influence of something when they released MtD.

Btw, if you meant except, as in exception, it's a different word than accept. Normally I wouldnt point that out, but since you're being an ass, I felt it appropriate.
Devourment ripped off various NYC Death Metal demo's and albums and are wannabee New Yorkers. I get sick of hearing how they're unique original and inventive when they're not.
The above is correct. Greys, shut the fuck up. Bloodbath also PAY TRIBUTE TO (COUGH STOLE COUGH) Gorement's logo. And they're bad.

Also, Fractured Insanity is lame.
No one who listens to Bloodath has said they're original unique and inventive, they're a fucking tribute band/side project.

Devourment fulltime ripp off a scene they had nothing to do with.