Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Good one
I noticed that with some brutal death, you can't really hear what the guitars are playing, only the rhythm. Is this done on purpose, or is it a product of bad production? I like brutal death where you can hear every note and chord.
It's probably just bad production. Sometimes though bands will go into a blast section where the guitar is just noise while the drums blast.
I'm talking about bands where you can't make out the guitars most of the time. I don't mind it that much if there is a section where the guitars are obscured once in a while, but I prefer to be able to distinguish every note and chord. Since bdm is played so fast, I think that it demands good, or at least clear, production. I can't get into bands like early Devourment, Putrefy, and Enmity, because all you can hear is the rhythm of the riffs.
Thanks for making that blog guys. It will be very helpful.

You're welcome. We hope to make it rather large and encompassing.

Re: guitar production, I think to be honest it is done on purpose a lot of the time. BDM bands get a rap for being sloppy, etc. which I think about half the time is probably completely true. I think that for a lot of said bands, the RHYTHM and GROOVE is the most important component of their music. It's what gets people going at shows, and everyone looks forward to a part in a Devourment song whhen Wayne Knupp (or whoever is singing at the time) goes "*inhale*...BLUUUUUUURGHHH" right before a big slam breakdown. I guess it is just a matter of taste.

However, if you want some slammy/BDM bands that understand the need for clarity, please do yourself a favor and listen to these:

Septycal Gorge
R.I.P. Wayne Knupp

I don't like Devourment (or brutal death metal in general) but this is sad news. Apparently he was a pretty down-to-earth guy.
Gorgasm is good but they are actually HARDLY slammy. Their riffs are kind of similar to early Saprogenic, except sometimes Saprogenic does excellent slams and switches to tremolo. Most of Gorgasm's stuff (I have only heard Masticate To Dominate) is very fast and very intricate in terms of riff construction. That album is quite good, too. Just don't try to sing along, because the guy is faster than the speed of light, and, as such, often misses entire lines/syllables.

Other UL albums that rules that are intelligent:

Disavowed - Perceptive Deception
Inveracity - Extermination Of Millions
Hour Of Penance - Disturbance
Gorgasm is good but they are actually HARDLY slammy. Their riffs are kind of similar to early Saprogenic, except sometimes Saprogenic does excellent slams and switches to tremolo. Most of Gorgasm's stuff (I have only heard Masticate To Dominate) is very fast and very intricate in terms of riff construction. That album is quite good, too. Just don't try to sing along, because the guy is faster than the speed of light, and, as such, often misses entire lines/syllables.

Other UL albums that rules that are intelligent:

Disavowed - Perceptive Deception
Inveracity - Extermination Of Millions
Hour Of Penance - Disturbance

I have been wanting to check out Inveracity.
So far, Decrepit Birth,Disgorge(Mex),Severed Savior,Gorgasm and Odious Mortem are my Brutal Death Metal bands I am liking.