Brutal/Slam Death Metal

My top 10 brutal/slam albums that came out in 2009:

1. Despondency - Revelation IV (Rise Of The Nemesis)
2. Vomit The Soul - Apostles Of Inexpression
3. Septycal Gorge - Erase The Insignificant
4. Infernal Revulsion - Dead But Breathing
5. Devourment - Unleash The Carnivore
6. Human Rejection - Decrepit To Insanity
7. Embryonic Depravity - Constrained By The Miscarriage Of Conquest
8. Suffocation - Blood Oath
9. Gorepoflesh - Gore Fucking Corpses
10. Infected Disarray - Disseminating Obscenity

What's up y'all

Nice list. Vomit the Soul is absolutely crushing.
Listening to Gorepoflesh. Only a couple of tracks in, but I'm liking it. My ears got over the production, and it's pretty good.

EDIT: Now I'm being mesmerised by how well the AIDs gif in my sig and Dead Genitals Fermentation go together.
My top 10 brutal/slam albums that came out in 2009:

1. Despondency - Revelation IV (Rise Of The Nemesis)
2. Vomit The Soul - Apostles Of Inexpression
3. Septycal Gorge - Erase The Insignificant
4. Infernal Revulsion - Dead But Breathing
5. Devourment - Unleash The Carnivore
6. Human Rejection - Decrepit To Insanity
7. Embryonic Depravity - Constrained By The Miscarriage Of Conquest
8. Suffocation - Blood Oath
9. Gorepoflesh - Gore Fucking Corpses
10. Infected Disarray - Disseminating Obscenity

What's up y'all
Hey man good to see you

I see you're still overrating Despondency (although to be fair I have not heard their new one :p). Other than that and the Infernal Revulsion I'd say that's a good list. I'm going to put together my list over the next couple days so prepare yourselves everyone.
I'm not at all overrating Despondency, and the new one is a step up songwriting- and technicality-wise from their previous album, "God On Acid" (which probably is my favourite brutal/slam album ever). I could go into detail and bore you all to tears with my ramblings on why Despondency's "Revelation IV" in fact is a revelation itself, and write a lengthy speech ala V5's Gorepoflesh review, but I suspect it will fall on deaf ears. What I will say, though, is that "Revelation IV" is a magnificent output, pure misanthropy in slamming, musical form.
So anyone want to recommend me some fairly standard, mildly cheap slam shirts? By standard I mean, white + one other color on black, the logo usually in color... usually jewski art or the like... nothing fancy.


I just want to stock up on a few since I have a little christmas money to waste.

As far as price range, 12-16 dollars seems about standard in my book (and no more than $20 shipped)...
That viral load shirt above I got for 13..

Sevared has a couple... I can hardly pass up a Cenotaph shirt for $12 there... BOA has an Insidious Decrepancy shirt for 10... you get the idea. No specific bands needed, no specific sites needed. (but bands I like is always a plus)
If you like the majewski t-shirt style, just check his myspace, and email him shirts you would like. Cant guarantee the price.

The top of your price range but there are some good looking shirts.

I've bought from him before... the new Abominable Putridity shirt there is pretty awesome... but the shirts I got in the past were pretty low quality and I had a ton of trouble actually getting them. (4 months)

I definitely recommend emailing him first to see if your size/print is available.

Mailing majewski might be a decent option... I've bought from him before as well... my devourment hoodie came from his ebay account and it was only like $35 shipped, buy it now price.

Edit: Gore I'm fine with to a degree... but I try to slight away from eating jesus on the cross (Insidious Decrepancy, I'm looking at you) for my family's sake.