Brutal/Slam Death Metal

i think they stayd pretty much on the same level for the second album. to me there isnt really any improvement, but they didnt get worse. the vocals and stuff are different but imo its just as good.
Human Rejection greatly worsened on the second album imo. Controversial!
Boo, I miss the crazy bouncy goodness of the first album, but I think Decrepit to Insanity is better in other ways and is more a mature album. I can't decide which is better though, they both have their appeal. I hope their third album can equal the quality of either of their first two.

I also like the fact that a lot of the bands that seemed to come in a giant wave in 07/08 are sticking around and releasing follow up albums.
This has probably been done before on this thread, but what is everyone's 10 or so favorite brutal/slam death metal albums?

Mine (atm):
1. Disgorge - She Lay Gutted
2. Condemned - Desecrate the Vile
3. Vulvectomy - Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation
4. Lust of Decay - Purity Through Dismemberment (not sure if this is quite heavy enough...)
5. Katalepsy - Musick Brings Injuries
6. Devourment - Demos w/ Wayne Knupp
7. Guttural Engorgement - The Slow Decay of Infested Flesh
8. Dehumanized - Prophecies Foretold
9. Lividity - Fetish for the Sick
10. Vomit Remnants - Supreme Entity
I agree with VVVVV About Human Rejection. Their first album was a bit harder to get into because of the vocals, but was far more enjoyable once you did. The second one was just like... another band covering Human Rejection almost. It was ok... but not great.
Isn't the point of liking music to listen to it?

I have 250+ different Brutal Death Metal bands on my iPod among many other genres of extreme metal. I like to hear how different regions of the World have their own scenes and sounds. And if some of them throw in some breakdowns that's not going to turn me off.

And yes, I did enjoy the new Artery Eruption full-length, but I wouldn't consider it a highlight of 2009. To be honest I just enjoy the slam parts. They remind me of Vomitous.

Yes, but slam has enough meathead fans that're only in it for the SLAM. Bands like Gorepoflesh, Dripping, Wormed, etc, are making this genre respectable in the metal scene. Bands like Artery Eruption need to be lined up and shot.
Yes, but slam has enough meathead fans that're only in it for the SLAM. Bands like Gorepoflesh, Dripping, Wormed, etc, are making this genre respectable in the metal scene. Bands like Artery Eruption need to be lined up and shot.

Besides Wormed, the other 2 bands are relatively unknown.
It's bands like: Devourment, Guttural Secrete, Infernal Revulsion & Embryonic Depravity that are making the genre respectable.

Fleshgrind - Destined For Defilement (1997)
Full-length, Pulverizer Records

Krow should dig this, even if the rest of you don't.
This has probably been done before on this thread, but what is everyone's 10 or so favorite brutal/slam death metal albums?

10 is too hard. Here's 15:

Awaiting The Autopsy - 2009 - Couldn't Tell The Bodies Apart
Cephalotripsy - 2007 - Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies
Cesspool Of Vermin - 2008 - Beastial Necrophilia
Degrade - 2005 - Hanged And Disemboweled
Devourment - 1999 - Molesting The Decapitated
Devourment - 2006 - Butcher The Weak (Remastered)
Devourment - 2009 - Unleash The Carnivore
Eternal Suffering - 1999 - Drowning In Tragedy
Gorevent - 2008 - Abnormal Exaggeration
Guttural Secrete - 2004 - Artistic Creation With Cranial Stumps EP
Infernal Revulsion - 2007 - Devastate Under Hallucination
Inveracity - 2003 - Circle Of Perversion
Scattered Remnants - 1995 - Inherent Perversion EP
Sintury - 1998 - Disgorging The Dead
Vulvectomy - 2007 - Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation
Here's a rough top twenty... in no order

Devourment - 1.3.8 (this version of babykiller + MTD make winnar for me)
Maldorous - Amaranthine Redolence
Vulvectomy - full length
Abominable Putridity - In the End of Human Existence
Eternal Suffering - Drowning in Tragedy
Down From the Wound - Agony Through Rituals...
Katalepsy - Musick Brings Injury
Carnal Decay - Chopping Off the Head
Dead For Ten Weeks - Bloodline Detriment
Viral Load - Practitioners of Perversion
Defeated Sanity - Prelude to the Tragedy
Despondency - God on Acid
Gorevent - Abnormal Exaggeration
Infinite Defilement - Disgorging Humanity
Poppy Seed Grinder - Humanophobia
Suffocation - Effigy
Putridity - Mental Prolapse
Septycal Gorge - Growing Seeds of Decay
Soils of Fate - Sandstorm
Vomit the Soul - Portraits of Inhuman...
Besides Wormed, the other 2 bands are relatively unknown.
It's bands like: Devourment, Guttural Secrete, Infernal Revulsion & Embryonic Depravity that are making the genre respectable.

lol... Dripping are quite well known. Respectable and popularity are completely different things. Also, Infernal Revulsion/Guttural Secrete wouldn't be making the genre "respectable" lol