Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Ah you serious about the low quality of gutterchrist? It looked high enough quality that I purchased a few shirts from him almost 2 weeks ago...
My Devourment and Cephalotripsy shirts... the logos just look... odd... especially the devo shirt where it almost looks... off center from itself and is outlined in white. *shrugs*

They arent BAD... but for 20 bucks... you should expect a little better, imo.

Another thing that bothers me about him is that he doesnt combine shipping whatsoever. 40 bucks for two shirts is steep... and other places are starting to get the stuff only he had originally. (I'm seeing Digested Flesh, Dripping, Inhuman Dissilency, etc pop up in other merch places that DO combine shipping)
I'm probably going to go ahead and buy that Rising of the Undead shirt from gutterchrist... I'm not so sure I've ever seen any other AP shirts that didnt have mutilated naked women on them (or that blindfold surgery shirt, which is an eyesore, imo)
The bidding was at $40 this morning, I was hoping to get it, but damn I was wrong lol

I actually thought that the blindfold surgery shirt was alright, I ordered it. They don't have a lot to choose from, and a few of the shirts I found were just corny. Did you say that it took four months just to arrive at your doorstep? Just clarifying.
Thats good news, I was hoping they would come in before Christmas, but now its well past it. Just assumed it was the holiday so it wasn't a priority for them. I usually don't order anything online.
My order did take 4 months. I ordered the Dripping decomposed fixation shirt (along with another shirt he had the entire time, shit I had to pay for shipping for seperately, but he wouldnt ship seperate)... which was a pre-order at the time... and there was some kinda printing error... and then he didnt get any xls in... and blah blah blah. I ended up having to open a paypal dispute and got a different item because he just kept giving me the same old run around... the guy that runs the store doesnt seem too bright.

That being said, I emailed him ahead of time for the AP shirt, and he has them in stock, in my size, so I'll try and trust him one more time.
Going to order Katalepsy - musick brings injuries and Dripping - bring the suffering as I've heard nothing but good from these bands and haven't been able to get a listen on the whole album, just singles. Cant wait.
Fuck yes. Katalepsy is awesome.... that Dripping comp seems more like a collectors item, but it's still good.
Yup, I like the vocalist a lot, I just cant particularly tell the difference between age on onset and Disgorge quite yet.
I personally kind of like Putrefy's debut...but, every complaint of Mortician could apply here. I would like it just a little better if the production were a little clearer and the bass wasn't so high in the mix.