Brutal/Slam Death Metal

UtC fucking rules. But I like Asphyx Death... The Brutal Way best of 09 perhaps, just for the sake of being a big Asphyx fan atm.
I like your list but fuck the new Infernal Revulsion and Vomit the Soul's too sterile (talented, I'll give 'em that) and approaching "just death metal" a lot of the time.

Eh, the new Infernal Revulsion grew on me, and I just couldn't think of anything I liked enough to put on instead of Vomit The Soul/Perverse Dependence. I found the new Septycal Gorge a tad boring, but maybe I'll give it another shot.

(EDIT) Septycal Gorge was alot better then I remember it. Replaced Vomit the Soul on my list.
So here's a new release (or leak, whatever) that I havent heard anyone talk about.

Razor Rape - Unleashing The Shemales Of Vengeance


It's basically a slam and goregrind hybrid.

I remembered hearing an EP from these guys a while back... that was very short but it seemed cool. The full length is only 20 minutes long but in that time they deliver, imo.

The song titles are really cheesy, just look at the title track...

In short, if you like goregrind, check it out... if not, you can probably skip it.
I'll let the slam-minded team decide on this one before I give that a shot. Not that I always do wait for some reception, of course I go in to check certain things out at times.

Edit: What I'm really trying to say, is if sometimes if something appears iffy or just in case, I'll wait for feedback.
For certain times, I trust some peoples taste on this site (I highly consider this site over pretty much everyone I visited). Such as V5, Onder, cookiecutter, zephyrus, unknown, hubster, Mort (sometimes), Krow (usually), dodens, other people as well. At times I'll go ahead and give some bands I never heard of or listened to a try that aren't mentioned with certain feedback. If I know the genre very well, which usually I'm quite fluent with in regards to metal, punk, and electronic music, I won't have much trouble. Sometimes if a band could be decent, I have to give a few more listens which can be a little of a burden sometimes when time goes by.
There's a good chance I'm going to like brutal death metal that CC, V5, or malice enjoy... but then again, a ton of bands I've heard bashed on here... I find completely tolerable and really enjoy some of them.

Christ, V5 thought Eternal Suffering was Revocation and starting spewing how terrible they were. :lol:
Something I'm keeping my eye on is that christian death metal band coming out from the past members of Molest the Decapitated. I wanna see if it blows as much as I really think it will.
People's opinion on music changes too much when someone else does/doesn't like it.
I use trusted people's taste to see whether something is worth checking out. There are so many bands that you have to do something to increase the signal to noise ratio. I figure if you guys liked it enough to post about it, it's probably worth a listen. My opinion on the music is separate from this. Other people's opinions are more of a discovery aid for me.
Yea I use the same tactic. If I'm unfamiliar with a certain genre but have an interest, I'll try to guide myself through experienced opinions and try to develop an understanding.