Brutal/Slam Death Metal

My god, its been a good three weeks since I ordered, I ordered from brutal bands and gutterchrist, how long does it take to get from the states to Canada? they must of sent it as regular, and not express.
My order from Gutterchrist actually came in under a week this time.

But yea, from my experience trading mtg cards online... and I have quite a bit. :)


The lower US to Canada or vice versa usually takes 4 weeks to a month.
Release Dates: Updated January 4, 2010

  • Gore Sanctum - Realms Of Devastation (December 2009)
  • Her Virgin Womb - The Methods Of Killing MCD (December 2009)
  • Fleshrot - Traumatic Reconfiguration (Late 2009)
  • Aborted - Coronary Reconstruction EP (Ships Out January 14, 2010)
  • Defeated Sanity - Chapters Of Repugnance (January/February 2010)
  • Vomitous - Surgical Abominations Of Disfigurment MCD (Early 2010)
  • Goretrade - Mistaken Conception (Early 2010)
  • Hideous Deformity - Defoulment Of Human Purity (Early 2010)
  • Bodysnatch - Insights Of A Rotten Theatre (Early 2010)
  • Diminished - Chainsaw Cunt (Early 2010)
  • Gorevent - Worship Paganism (Early 2010)
  • Vulvectomy - Post Abortion Slut Fuck (Early 2010)
  • Implements Of Hell - Sea Of Necrophenomena (Early 2010)
  • Cerebral Effusion - Impulsive Psychopathic Acts (Early 2010)
  • Pathology - Incisions of Perverse Debauchery (2008 Re-release Digipak)(Early 2010)
  • Deadlystrain - T.B.A. (Early 2010)
  • Cerebral Incubation - T.B.A. (Early 2010)
  • Colonize The Rotting - Composting The Masticated (Early 2010)
  • Disentomb - T.B.A. (Early 2010)
  • Disembowled Corpse - Vivisection And Burning Of The Bowels (Early/Mid 2010)
  • Immolation - Majesty And Decay (March 9, 2010)
  • Burzum - Den Hvite Guden (March/April 2010)
  • Human Rejection - 3 Song Promo (April 2010)
  • Temple Of Amon - Bloodlust Prophecy (Spring 2010)
  • Short Bus Pile Up - Repulsive Display Of Human Upholstery (Mid 2010)
  • Gortuary - Awakening Pestilent Beings (Mid 2010)
  • Human Filleted - T.B.A. (Mid 2010)
  • Necrotic Disgorgement - T.B.A. (2010)
  • Cenotaph - Putrescent Infectious Rabidity (2010)
  • Viral Load - Deliverance mCD (2010)
  • Embryonic Devourment - Vivid Enterpretations Of The Void (2010)
  • Human Rejection - T.B.A. (2010)
  • Beheaded - T.B.A. (2010)
  • Condemned - Realms Of The Ungodly (2010)
  • Abominable Putridity - In the Studio
  • Putridity - Recording 2nd Full-Length
  • Pyrexia - Feast Of The Unholy Sacrament (Recording)
  • Flesh Consumed - Ecliptic Dimensions Of Suffering (Recording in Spring 2010)
  • Disfiguring The Goddess - (Writing/Recording)
  • Ezophagothomia (Writing)
  • Guttural Secrete (Writing)
  • Inherit Disease (Writing)
  • Malodorous - The Carrion Recoil (Writing)
  • Wormed (Writing)
Defeated Sanity - Chapters Of Repugnance (January/February 2010)
Vomitous - Surgical Abominations Of Disfigurment MCD (Early 2010)
Bodysnatch - Insights Of A Rotten Theatre (Early 2010)
Gorevent - Worship Paganism (Early 2010)
Vulvectomy - Post Abortion Slut Fuck (Early 2010)
Gortuary - Awakening Pestilent Beings (Mid 2010)
Human Filleted - T.B.A. (Mid 2010)
Necrotic Disgorgement - T.B.A. (2010)
Cenotaph - Putrescent Infectious Rabidity (2010)
Viral Load - Deliverance mCD (2010)
Embryonic Devourment - Vivid Enterpretations Of The Void (2010)
Beheaded - T.B.A. (2010)
Condemned - Realms Of The Ungodly (2010)
Abominable Putridity - In the Studio
Putridity - Recording 2nd Full-Length
Pyrexia - Feast Of The Unholy Sacrament (Recording)
Flesh Consumed - Ecliptic Dimensions Of Suffering (Recording in Spring 2010)
Guttural Secrete (Writing)
Malodorous - The Carrion Recoil (Writing)
Wormed (Writing)

As far as brutal death metal goes... I can be excited for every one of these releases.
Ughhh, Can not ... wait.. any ... longer...

And thanks alot Malice, with you posting these bands and release dates, its easier for me to familiarize myself with the scene.:kickass:
So, the new Scrambled Defuncts album is fucked up. It's amazing, but really fucked. Check it:

At first, I thought so too. Then I started to put it on more and more and now I love it. The key is recognizing how the keys fit into the larger gestalt of the songs, snaking in and out of passages madly, disrupting the flow but still going with it in all of their fugue-filled glory. It's great, challenging, convoluted, insane stuff. Love it.
On the contrary, I feel it much better pulls off a disorienting classical music infused brutal death metal style than FGA, which I thought was pretty "whack" :p
Scrambled Defuncts album was wack.. Fleshgod Apocalypse did this style way better.

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree again. The keys in Scrambled Defuncts are genius, it just takes quite a bit of time to even comprehend why they'd put them in. The albums great, and is what Fleshgod Apocalypse should've tried to make, instead of the boring rehash of BDM. Don't even compare the two bands, as Fleshgod Apocalypse "Classical Influence" is just a few sound bytes they added afterwards, otherwise they sound EXACTLY like Hour of Penance.
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree again. The keys in Scrambled Defuncts are genius, it just takes quite a bit of time to even comprehend why they'd put them in. The albums great, and is what Fleshgod Apocalypse should've tried to make, instead of the boring rehash of BDM. Don't even compare the two bands, as Fleshgod Apocalypse "Classical Influence" is just a few sound bytes they added afterwards, otherwise they sound EXACTLY like Hour of Penance.
Yep, they don't really melted BDM and classical. Also this is not exactly similar to Hour Of Penance this is really worse. HOP is way better.
Scrambled Defuncts seems to be the very first band to really play Classical BDM. Got to check them more the extract was pretty interesting.