Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Easily. Guttural Engorgement is garbage though.

How do you do them? i put the tongue on the roof of my mouth and compress my throat really hard and make it rumble like burping :eek: It sounds identical to GE but I just can't do them for very long. Sometimes it just comes out horrible and it makes my throat scratchy.
If you guys are so good, what do you do to warm up your vocals? I find i cant produce intense vocals unless under the right conditions, etc warm fluid to drink, right when you wake up.
If you guys are so good, what do you do to warm up your vocals? I find i cant produce intense vocals unless under the right conditions, etc warm fluid to drink, right when you wake up.
A friend of me does some good gutturals and he said this too. Also he do not recommend to drink alcohol or other stuff that can make your throat dry.
I'm happy enough with a good ol incoherent cookie monster guttural mumble.

That and the fact I've been making odd sounds my entire life. :lol:
If you guys are so good, what do you do to warm up your vocals? I find i cant produce intense vocals unless under the right conditions, etc warm fluid to drink, right when you wake up.

me too. Alot of times I try to do vox as soon as I wake up or without being hydrated and it ruins my vocals for the entire day. Always get ready. I'm very impatient and it ruins sessions for me.

What liquid do you guys drink?
for my inhales i dont warm up at all i can do them for days without problems. for my exhales(any kind-low grows to high screams) i just drink anything im probably not doing them right cause my throat always gets scratchy but it goes away after like 5 mins.
for my inhales i dont warm up at all i can do them for days without problems. for my exhales(any kind-low grows to high screams) i just drink anything im probably not doing them right cause my throat always gets scratchy but it goes away after like 5 mins.

Just keep practicing and when it does take a break, make sure its healed and do it again. You're only making your throat stronger by singing and doing death metal vocals. And stop doing inhales, they stink :p
That's really horrible advice, as you're damaging your throat, which is why it hurts. I usually just lurk in this thread, but I feel the need to intervene. If your technique hurts at all, you're doing it wrong. Go do some research or something, but find a new approach, because you'll permanently damage your throat and sound like you have lung cancer.
If you guys are so good, what do you do to warm up your vocals? I find i cant produce intense vocals unless under the right conditions, etc warm fluid to drink, right when you wake up.

Just remember, don't drink stuff like Milk, makes it harder imo. Not that you shouldn't drink milk, I love milk.
It's like a parade of bad advice...anything conducive to mucus is good. Tea with honey is probably the manliest thing that would actually help (warm milk is unmanly, cold milk won't help).
Cold fluids in general are counterproductive, and warm milk is gross. So milk is a bad idea. But warm milk would be ideal, if it wasn't so gross. Warm tea and honey, and if it hurts you're doing it wrong.
That's really horrible advice, as you're damaging your throat, which is why it hurts. I usually just lurk in this thread, but I feel the need to intervene. If your technique hurts at all, you're doing it wrong. Go do some research or something, but find a new approach, because you'll permanently damage your throat and sound like you have lung cancer.

This reminds me of the song Amerika the Brutal by SFU. Absolutely destroyed voice.

That being said I can do decent Dying Fetus-esque lows.... and combine them with a kinda froggy noise I can make by forcing air between my cheek and teeth.
That's really horrible advice, as you're damaging your throat, which is why it hurts. I usually just lurk in this thread, but I feel the need to intervene. If your technique hurts at all, you're doing it wrong. Go do some research or something, but find a new approach, because you'll permanently damage your throat and sound like you have lung cancer.

I have been doing vocals for 3 years and I don't need Melissa Cross or some bullshit to tell me if I'm doing it wrong or not. If it hurts AS you're growling then you are doing it bad. If it hurts after a session, thats completely normal. People get sore throats from talking too much, its completely logical to get a sore throat from doing death metal vocals or singing as it stresses your throat out much much more.

When I first started growling and doing gutturals of course it hurt afterward now it does not and I've only become 10 times the vocalist I use to be. If I have been doing it wrong for 3 years I'm pretty sure my voice would be gone. Hell, my talking voice hasnt changed one bit but my death metal vocals have changed immensely.