Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Dying Fetus influenced?... (According to M-A)

Had to go check to see what you were talking about. Ignore that douche, it's clearly nothing like Fetus. Check his profile he's like 22 and lists "Mallcore" as one of his favorite metal genres. No joke. I like M-A and all but some of the idiots writing reviews over there should be shot.
What the fuck guys? I gave Big C's vocals a listen, sure the kid looks like a fag, but his vocals remind me ALOT of Degrade.

Like I'm not sure if I was even looking at the right video. Just you tubed it. The guy has some talent, I cant do three quarters that shit.
So I checked out Big Chocolate's vocals for the first time because of this argument, and I have to say, they sounded pretty weak and annoying.

And ShellBlast, you don't have to be able to do something yourself to critique another's work. If you did, this whole forum would be pointless.
What the fuck guys? I gave Big C's vocals a listen, sure the kid looks like a fag, but his vocals remind me ALOT of Degrade.

Like I'm not sure if I was even looking at the right video. Just you tubed it. The guy has some talent, I cant do three quarters that shit.


Bah... Your too legit to shame on.
Ahaha, off topic yet on topic..

I tried ordering that sarcolytic shirt + cd package, but I don't think they ship to Canada?!

And JG Finally did give that remnants of flesh album a listen, and I enjoyed it a lot. so thanks

Edit : P.S. not trying to be a fucking pussy or anything but you guys are wayy too hard on each other.
Malodorous - Amaranthine Redolence

is awesome. Big C's good vocal performance. His vocals for DtG are awful, but if he gives them the goregrind edge he does for Malodorous, I'll be perfectly happy with new AP/andor any other material he does.
Thank malice for mentioning it.

Also I need to get some Slam tees soon when I get the money. Think I'm gona try to get a Dripping shirt, Wormed shirt, Amputated Genitals shirt, maybe a Devourment hoodie. Man just a list to expand upon.
Malodorous - Amaranthine Redolence

is awesome. Big C's good vocal performance. His vocals for DtG are awful, but if he gives them the goregrind edge he does for Malodorous, I'll be perfectly happy with new AP/andor any other material he does.

Perhaps... We'll find out soon enough. But he did do quite well with Malodorous.
I have that album, and I find it really mediocre at times, then it gets really weird at times. I've tried throwing it on maybe a couple while doing something and it just isn't catching my ear.
I'm a goregrind fan so it's a natural thing for me I guess... two of my favorite genres of extreme metal mixed.
Ordered The Digested flesh shirt on Gutterchrist and brutal bands along with the latest human mincer album. Next time I get some spare money in I plan on buying a fucking good haul of cd's.
I just listened to Big C's vocals too for the first time.. and Juddzfell hit the nail on the head..he looks and acts like a faggot, but seriously he isn't that bad of a vocalist like you guys make him out to be..if anything I think you guys got so in the spirit of arguing with Shell that you exaggerated your opinion to make a point.

And really where is the peace and love? Shit is going way overboard here
Can you do vocals better? Can anyone on these forums do better vocals, if so, prove yourself worthy. If not, I guess he does have talent. Calling him scene is fucking ignorant as he does not APPEAR to look scene or listen to any scene bands then again, I thought this was about his vocals, not his appearance and preferences.
You seem to be doing everything that a bad, adversarial poster always does. Normally I wouldn't care but this is the one place on the forum where I get to talk about the metal I really like, so it disturbs me that you have made the last three pages into one long argument.

1. Being personally unable to do something doesn't mean you can't judge it's quality. I can't play drums at all but I can tell if a drummer is playing sloppily. Same thing applies to vocals obviously. I don't know why you seem to want to challenge everyone here to a vocals contest but it seems really immature.

2. Of course everything said in here is an opinion. We're talking about music. Bitching about this fact when someone doesn't agree with you is pointless.

3. When people disagree with you they are not being elitist. It makes you look like a bitch when you whine about elitism. If you disagree with someone try explaining why you're right rather than complaining about so called "elitism".

Sorry for the long post (and I doubt it will change anything) but your behavior is bothering me and I wish you would stop.