Brutal/Slam Death Metal

You seem to be doing everything that a bad, adversarial poster always does. Normally I wouldn't care but this is the one place on the forum where I get to talk about the metal I really like, so it disturbs me that you have made the last three pages into one long argument.

1. Being personally unable to do something doesn't mean you can't judge it's quality. I can't play drums at all but I can tell if a drummer is playing sloppily. Same thing applies to vocals obviously. I don't know why you seem to want to challenge everyone here to a vocals contest but it seems really immature.

2. Of course everything said in here is an opinion. We're talking about music. Bitching about this fact when someone doesn't agree with you is pointless.

3. When people disagree with you they are not being elitist. It makes you look like a bitch when you whine about elitism. If you disagree with someone try explaining why you're right rather than complaining about so called "elitism".

Sorry for the long post (and I doubt it will change anything) but your behavior is bothering me and I wish you would stop.

LOL. I agree with you completely. It even makes him look more like an idiot saying that we are "elitists" when the actual metal elite looks down on anything not old school death or black metal. lol
LOL. I agree with you completely. It even makes him look more like an idiot saying that we are "elitists" when the actual metal elite looks down on anything not old school death or black metal. lol

Honestly Shellblast's points and arguments make A LOT of sense to me. At least the ones I remember.
1. There is a difference between not liking his style and saying he isn't a good vocalist. What does vvvvvvvv know, after all he isn't a vocalist.

So if we arent in a band, we cant say if the band is good or bad?

Sports analysts cant say a professional sports player is bad unless they played...
Well I completely failed to get my point across.

As for Big C, I'm not really a fan. His vocals sound very weak and too "bree bree" for me. I really liked AP's first vocalist so I was pretty sad when I heard the news that they had replaced him.
Okay guys, let's settle few things down, regarding viewing this thread. First of all, that JGMetalHead should either shut the fuck up or reduce his fucking signature so one post doesn't take all my screen and when I scroll down there's another sentence with another one monitor of his retarded signature. Second of all, Shellblast takes all the space the first faggot does without any signature, just using his brain-misfiring composition, that should also drown in cum. I'd like to be nice, but how is it even possible.
How about people just go to settings and disable signatures. They are pretty worthless.

Well I like most of them (or I don't mind them, just like the avatar or something) but I hate people who think they can take space of 1200px just with their own shit while posting one sentence.

Why don't you go to settings and disable yourself btw.

EDIT: AAaaaaand yes, you're pretty worthless.
Okay guys, let's settle few things down, regarding viewing this thread. First of all, that JGMetalHead should either shut the fuck up or reduce his fucking signature so one post doesn't take all my screen and when I scroll down there's another sentence with another one monitor of his retarded signature. Second of all, Shellblast takes all the space the first faggot does without any signature, just using his brain-misfiring composition, that should also drown in cum. I'd like to be nice, but how is it even possible.

Onder will rape and murder. :kickass:
:p Onder

If I'm not "half as good at anything else" (lolwut), go read my review for Devourment - Unleash the Carnivore and be proven wrong.
No? That CD sucks. You worship every slam release.

Your saying an album, made by the originators of slam, the best in the business, sucks? Even *if* the album sucked in comparison to MTD or BTW, it'd still be farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr better then any slam release you probably think is amazing.

Enlighten us, what slam releases do you think are worth hyping up?
God, this thread was way better a few months ago. I think there is an extreme correlation between when this thread was good and my desire to care about slam. :( Stop making me sad.
Well... either way, I'm very finished reading his posts. I'll respectfully ask no one to quote his posts in the near future.
Your saying an album, made by the originators of slam, the best in the business, sucks? Even *if* the album sucked in comparison to MTD or BTW, it'd still be farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr better then any slam release you probably think is amazing.

Enlighten us, what slam releases do you think are worth hyping up?

Good logic. I'm pretty sure Internal Bleeding was slam way before Devourment even knew about the style. Devourment is over-rated.

I do believe it's time to mod him for trolling/etc.

Quote one of my post that is trolling. if anything, you guys should be banned for insulting me and not adding to the discussion. All of you need to grow the fuck up.