Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Good logic. I'm pretty sure Internal Bleeding was slam way before Devourment even knew about the style. Devourment is over-rated.

Internal Bleeding had the outline, but they were never really slam. Saying Devourment is overrated in a slam threat should be enough to get banned. It's obvious your either trolling, or you have no love for slam, so just leave.
46 posts deleted, thanks for wasting my time. Keep doing it.

This shit is priceless man, keep going, between the accusation that I'm a Nazi because I have an opinion and can back it up to your hilarious overreactions to just about everything to your claim that Devourment is overrated (and contrary claim that you're a big fan of brutal death metal; hint: Internal Bleeding are practically a joke band for the record), I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.
Also, way to dodge my question. Let's see a list of bands/albums you deem WORTHY of being hyped in slam?
Thanks for the info. I'll avoid checking them out in that case. Shellblast is truly the biggest contributing failure to this thread. I'm putting him on my ignore list.
Internal Bleeding had the outline, but they were never really slam. Saying Devourment is overrated in a slam threat should be enough to get banned. It's obvious your either trolling, or you have no love for slam, so just leave.

LOOL WTF. Jesus Christ. Are you guys serious? You should be smacked in the face for saying Internal Bleeding isn't slam. i know more about death metal then you. Devourment is over-rated, I'm not trolling, its my honest opinion. Deal with it.

Internal Bleeding was a bad, first wave deathcore band... :(

HAHAAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHA you guys are pathetic.
It's really a shame that, as a mod, I can't exactly utilize the ignore function as I wish I could.

Anyway I just ordered the new Sarcolytic disc, so there will be a review of that up on S-M when I get it, and probably also an intie with Zig soon.
LOOL WTF. Jesus Christ. Are you guys serious? You should be smacked in the face for saying Internal Bleeding isn't slam. i know more about death metal then you. Devourment is over-rated, I'm not trolling, its my honest opinion. Deal with it.
Can you write and play a good slam album? I'd like to hear you do it before you criticize Devourment. Way to be elitist, jerk. It's just your opinion that Devourment is overrated.
LOOL WTF. Jesus Christ. Are you guys serious? You should be smacked in the face for saying Internal Bleeding isn't slam. i know more about death metal then you. Devourment is over-rated, I'm not trolling, its my honest opinion. Deal with it.

HAHAAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHA you guys are pathetic.

You obviously know nothing about death metal or slam then. Your just a dick posting on a forum proclaiming your opinions as godly. Like I said, Internal Bleeding created the template of slam, but it lacked the "slam riff". They used hardcore breakdowns, not slams. For a man with such a huge ego, you have a small brain. Close minded faggot.
You obviously know nothing about death metal or slam then. Your just a dick posting on a forum proclaiming your opinions as godly. Like I said, Internal Bleeding created the template of slam, but it lacked the "slam riff". They used hardcore breakdowns, not slams. For a man with such a huge ego, you have a small brain. Close minded faggot.

You know nothing about hardcore noob, so I insist you don't talk about it. Wtf is a slam riff LOL. Slam just expanded the use of the palm mute and low tuning. hahah you know so much about music... NOT.
You know nothing about hardcore noob, so I insist you don't talk about it. Wtf is a slam riff LOL. Slam just expanded the use of the palm mute and low tuning. hahah you know so much about music... NOT.

The slam riff is the style of riffage used in all slam. Yes, its palm mutes usually, and low tuning, but Internal Bleeding didn't use them in the same way. I'm done arguing with you, when people far more educated then you on the subject of music banter with you, you just say your opinion is right, and don't even attempt to change. Your a troll, or a huge faggot. Either or, I hope you get banned.:puke:
ShellBlast I think you'd learn a thing or two by visiting me and Nick's blog, Slam-Minded. Here, there is a wealth of knowledge imparted upon you by two very giving and loving forum members dedicated to this style of music. We implore you to check it out, read some reviews, get educated, and come back refreshed in mind and in heart.

The slam riff is the style of riffage used in all slam. Yes, its palm mutes usually, and low tuning, but Internal Bleeding didn't use them in the same way. I'm done arguing with you, when people far more educated then you on the subject of music banter with you, you just say your opinion is right, and don't even attempt to change. Your a troll, or a huge faggot. Either or, I hope you get banned.:puke:

I'm very well educated with music actually. i have been listening to death metal since I was a young kid and hardcore punk. You have no idea what you're talking about and you know it. You cant expect Internal Bleeding, a early 90s death metal band to sound the same as modern slam. Music evolves.

ShellBlast I think you'd learn a thing or two by visiting me and Nick's blog, Slam-Minded. Here, there is a wealth of knowledge imparted upon you by two very giving and loving forum members dedicated to this style of music. We implore you to check it out, read some reviews, get educated, and come back refreshed in mind and in heart.


I know about your blog and its a very good blog. You guys are great at reviewing material but you have sadly mistaking if you think I need to be educated about music. Sorry <3
I'm very well educated with music actually. i have been listening to death metal since I was a young kid and hardcore punk. You have no idea what you're talking about and you know it. You cant expect Internal Bleeding, a early 90s death metal band to sound the same as modern slam. Music evolves.

I know about your blog and its a very good blog. You guys are great at reviewing material but you have sadly mistaking if you think I need to be educated about music. Sorry <3

Really? T_T. You can't expect them to sound the same, but you can expect there to be more similarities then "OH GOD THEY BOTH USE BREAKDOWNS!". Your argument is silly. Plenty of actual slam bands came out in the later 90's, and they sound completely different then internal bleeding. Like I said before, Internal Bleeding helped out with the template, but they are an absolute shit band, and were NOT slam. They just helped influence it, like Suffocation/Dying Fetus.