Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Wow, we agree on Katalepsy, I'm kind of impressed. The vocals were a big step down for me, they tried to do too much in each song imo, the production was off (not as strong as their excellent debut) and the samples were indeed obtrusive (not to mention cliche). Also, one of the best parts of the debut was the beginning of the Mortician cover where the sample goes perfectly into the song. Most of the Saw :)erk:) samples don't work with the songs but rather "bookend" them and it's lame.

For the record my fav JPDM band would probably be Vomit Remnants.

Orchidectomy are pretty fucking great. They sound like a distant, mutated cousin of Brodequin and Wormed with more variation than the former (in terms of riffwriting and song structure) and with a little less clear production than the latter. One of the best things about them, though, which I know Nick agrees with me on, is the fact that they are adequate/above average at pretty much every trick in the textbook of slam.

On the topic of Internal Bleeding, I think I see them as being more influential to outsiders' (often negative) perception of what slam is than influential to slam itself. It's too low-brow thug for its own good, and it kind of bothers me. Thug slam can be cool, but I think Voracious Contempt goes a little too far. It's obvious Soils of Fate and Vulvectomy are influenced by IB, though.
Orchidectomy - A Prelate's Attrition.
What do people think of this? LOL

I like.

I can agree with you guys saying IB is proto-slam. Theres just no way I can consider it real slam though. Their like the venom of Slam.

Orchidectomy is amazing. Nuff said.
They aren't even going to make an album. Their just 3 members of Disgorge covering Disgorge material.

10 bucks says that 2010 Disgorge album won't even happen.
I might be in on that given all the random shit happening in the band.

Meshiha will probably be either a huge letdown or incredibly good.
Meshisha seems like it'll be a let down so far.

New Wormed EP in 2 weeks apparantly, and an album by the end of 2010. Think it'll happen this time?
BTW if you have issues with the quality of (your mp3 rip of) the Orchidectomy album, you should buy it. Seriously, just go buy it. It sounds much better on CD.

If Wormed happens in two weeks, it'll be the best week of my fucking life.
BTW if you have issues with the quality of (your mp3 rip of) the Orchidectomy album, you should buy it. Seriously, just go buy it. It sounds much better on CD.

There's a CBR 320 kb/ps rip on the net. I found it.
I never listen to the actual CDs. I rip them to MP3 at 320 and listen to em' with these and its perfect.

i hav to relisten to aborted's releases before i can decide how it compares to the others. i havnt listened to any of their stuff for almost a year.
hav any good cds com out the last month of two? i havnt really been paying attention.

Debuts that came out recently...

Look for full lengths from these bands within a week or so...

This ships out around the 31st...

Mini-CD slated for a February release...