Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Insidious Decrepancy has the sickest death metal logo in the world. Its so brutal and unique. I tried to draw that type of style before... didn't go well at all.

I bought a viral load shirt from whitaker... he threw in a silver foil logo ID shirt for 8 bucks more... not even any extra shipping.

He's a pretty cool guy... and I'm pretty sure I'd never wear any other foil printed band shirt.
I bought a viral load shirt from whitaker... he threw in a silver foil logo ID shirt for 8 bucks more... not even any extra shipping.

He's a pretty cool guy... and I'm pretty sure I'd never wear any other foil printed band shirt.

Thats awesome. I'd wear that shirt every day. I'm pretty gay for foil.
Aborted is a weird band. They aren't brutal at all though. Their older stuff was deathgrindish, almost goregrind like Carcass. Their middle of the ground stuff was just melodic death metal but a tad faster/heavier. Strychnin or whatever had 1-2 good songs, rest were absolute shit.

The EP shits on anything they've released since Engineering the Dead or Goremageddon, sadly.

hah. Hmm. Remnants of Flesh is great, I recommend their fl to anyone. Abdicate was boring. Serial Butcher too. Distorted Impalement is great if your looking for slam a la Awaiting the Autopsy.

Arkaik sounds disappointing. Exactly like new Deeds of Flesh, Odious Mortem, Severed Savior, so basically emotionless technical death metal parading around as "brutal".

Sarcolytic is great, and I look forward to that album. Same with Vulvectomy. Vomitous though, fuck. They need to stop releasing these mini cds, eps, and demos, and just release a fucking album.
hah. Hmm. Remnants of Flesh is great, Distorted Impalement is great if your looking for slam a la Awaiting the Autopsy.

Something that I haven't been able to tolerate with awaiting the autopsy are those high pitched screams. Sounds exactly like this emo band I hate with a passion that will remain nameless...

How'd you double post six minutes apart?
I think Blunt Force Trauma is one of my least favorite Japanese slam bands. Yeah, they are slam. Katalepsy was definitely the best part of Triumph of Evilution, and even then I thought their tracks were weak compared to their debut.
Blunt Force Trauma are decent. I really liked Katalepsy's tracks on that though. On par with the album imo.

Orchidectomy - A Prelate's Attrition.
What do people think of this? LOL
I like it a lot. I reviewed it a while back on S-M. As Andy mentioned they are good at a wide range of things so the album is pretty dynamic.

Something that I haven't been able to tolerate with awaiting the autopsy are those high pitched screams. Sounds exactly like this emo band I hate with a passion that will remain nameless...
I like those high screams. Sometimes they weren't integrated well with the other vocals, but they were still good.
Yeah, the main complaint I have, also brought up in review, is that I wish the high screams were mixed with the gutturals a-la Dripping. Sick album anyway.

Agree to disagree on Katalepsy, Nick. I liked it more when I went through it again but still not on par with their debut.
Aborted is a weird band. They aren't brutal at all though. Their older stuff was deathgrindish, almost goregrind like Carcass. Their middle of the ground stuff was just melodic death metal but a tad faster/heavier. Strychnin or whatever had 1-2 good songs, rest were absolute shit.

The EP shits on anything they've released since Engineering the Dead or Goremageddon, sadly.

The guitar work on the EP bores me.. Sebastian on guitar is what made me fall in love with this band in the first place.

I just went back and listened to a hand full of their older tracks, and all of these are better than the new ep:

The Holocaust Incarnate
The Saw And The Carnage Done
Threading On Vermillion Deception
Descend To Extirpation
Pestiferous Subterfuge