Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Really? T_T. You can't expect them to sound the same, but you can expect there to be more similarities then "OH GOD THEY BOTH USE BREAKDOWNS!". Your argument is silly. Plenty of actual slam bands came out in the later 90's, and they sound completely different then internal bleeding. Like I said before, Internal Bleeding helped out with the template, but they are an absolute shit band, and were NOT slam. They just helped influence it, like Suffocation/Dying Fetus.

oh my god. I feel sorry for you. I wonder if anyone else agrees with your post.

Suffocation had the first ever slams on a full-length, and Disgorge (US) were brutal way before pretty much everything, tbh.

You're wrong. There are plenty of other bands that had slams before suffocation, one of the earliest bands was Repulsion. Just because they have gained so much popularity everyone thinks they did this and that first.
theres so much anger here right now...i just put him on my ignore list.

hav any good cds com out the last month of two? i havnt really been paying attention.
oh my god. I feel sorry for you. I wonder if anyone else agrees with your post.

Actually, I'm quite sure most others agree with me. There's a huge difference between influencing a genre, and being PART of the genre. Internal Bleeding was never a slam band. Repuldition, Dislimb, Afterbirth, and Devourments demos all came out around thes ame time as internal bleeding, and sounded completely different.
The point about Devourment is not that they were the first band to ever write a slam riff, but that they were the first band to ever write songs based around slam riffs. You can look at Disgorge, Suffocation, Internal Bleeding or even early Goregrind and see groovy, slammy riffs, but it was Molesting the Decapitated that made it into the genre that it is today.
First slam riff = 1991 - Suffocation - Liege Of Inveracity 2"53

I think that devourment base for developing the style comes from here.

And yes Eternal Suffering pose the base of deathcore all the "slams" have a hardcore jumpy feeling.
Dying Fetus slams are quite the same but their is some real slam too.
Just want to say that I like Eternal Suffering but they aren't really slam death.
because Shellblast thinks devourment is overrated he should be banned, ignored, and made fun of?

What the fuck, the guy has NOT posted ANYTHING wrong, he clearly has an opinion and when he voices it, like five of you guys just jump on him criticize the fuck out of him.

Like nobody knows it all, you take everything you hear with a bit of salt. This whole fucking thing started just because you guys don't like Big C's vocals.

Shellblast maybe you can't tell someone that since they cant do it any better, that the vocalist is good, it's a tad bit cocky.

and to the rest of you how can you call him a troll? Honestly, you're all trolling him, intentionally without good enough reason.

This thread is getting flooded with too much fucking hate and Childlike bullshit, I just want to discuss SLAM.
lol, apparently 1996 (Repudilation's first demo) is before 1991 (Suffocation's first album). Wow.

I just wrote a mini review detailing why I'm not so hot for Psalms of the Moribund on

songwriting is catastrophically overrated and, frankly, bad. production is messy and dingy with no real clarity EVER, and this kind of production doesn't really suit the abundance of things they're trying to accomplish. vocals are too quiet and indistinct. slams are de-emphasized in favor of fast, blurred riffs with zero direction. bass is sometimes distracting and over-emphasized for no discernible reason. drumming is unfocused and, though precise to a fault, sometimes defaults to fast, blurred snare rolls (in Devourment fashion) with no reason to do so. so, in essence, this falls into a lot of the same pitfalls a bunch of modern tech death falls into, but it hurts my feelings that this is so well rated.

btw, I think people should be required to hear Disgorge's 1992 demo before they talk about the history of brutal death metal. This shit was way ahead of its time.
lol, apparently 1996 (Repudilation's first demo) is before 1991 (Suffocation's first album). Wow.

I just wrote a mini review detailing why I'm not so hot for Psalms of the Moribund on

I said Repulsion silly... But whatever guys. I see I can't disagree with anyone on this thread or I get ganged up on. lets discuses BDM again, shall we?
The point about Devourment is not that they were the first band to ever write a slam riff, but that they were the first band to ever write songs based around slam riffs. You can look at Disgorge, Suffocation, Internal Bleeding or even early Goregrind and see groovy, slammy riffs, but it was Molesting the Decapitated that made it into the genre that it is today.
I agree. They use it as the main twist of their sound and was the first to do it.
because Shellblast thinks devourment is overrated he should be banned, ignored, and made fun of?

What the fuck, the guy has NOT posted ANYTHING wrong, he clearly has an opinion and when he voices it, like five of you guys just jump on him criticize the fuck out of him.

Like nobody knows it all, you take everything you hear with a bit of salt. This whole fucking thing started just because you guys don't like Big C's vocals.

Shellblast maybe you can't tell someone that since they cant do it any better, that the vocalist is good, it's a tad bit cocky.

and to the rest of you how can you call him a troll? Honestly, you're all trolling him, intentionally without good enough reason.

This thread is getting flooded with too much fucking hate and Childlike bullshit, I just want to discuss SLAM.

There's a difference between voicing an opinion about something you CAN have different opinions of, or voicing an opinion about something that is set in stone. He's arguing that Internal Bleeding is slam, when they aren't. Good god, he thinks the originator of the entire slam sound is overrated. He's actively going against what everyone believes. He has no place here.
Ah, my mistake then, sorry. Repulsion never really had slams, and if they did, they sure weren't main features of songwriting at all though. IDK. It's been a while since I've heard Horrified or anything else by them. Can you dig up a Youtube or something on this subject? I'd be curious to see what you're talking about (honestly).
It is becoming a bit of a chore to check this thread about twice a day to see if there is any lively slam discussion, but instead having to sift through dozens of posts that are primarily irrelevant arguments, etc. Don't get me wrong...I'm not trying to start another argument, far from it...I just want to see some posts about slam and brutal DM.

Internal Bleeding was the first death metal band I ever saw (at the same show with Dying Fetus) in 1995. Probably for that reason, I don't mind them at all, although Voracious Contempt is probably their only worthwhile release.
blah blah

He posts "opinions" that are going to be directly flammatory to most any fans of this genre of music.

That's trolling.

If I go into the traditional doom thread... and post that Saint Vitus, Pentagram, and Candlemass are all overrated (although I believe he used the word "bad")... regardless of my reasoning... I'm going to cause arguments.
What do you guys think about Blunt Force Trauma? They sound like Internal Bleeding's Voracious Contempt huh? expect with more guttural vocals. But Blunt Force Trauma isn't slam, right?
He posts "opinions" that are going to be directly flammatory to most any fans of this genre of music.

That's trolling.

If I go into the traditional doom thread... and post that Saint Vitus, Pentagram, and Candlemass are all overrated (although I believe he used the word "bad")... regardless of my reasoning... I'm going to cause arguments.

I'll agree with you, but he only said that once, whereas everybody was disregarding ANYTHING the guy had to say because of differentiated opinion or that you'd like to follow the herd. This argument is way too two sided. I'm sticking up for him because he has stated valid points to think about. It's not all trolling.
I think Blunt Force Trauma is one of my least favorite Japanese slam bands. Yeah, they are slam. Katalepsy was definitely the best part of Triumph of Evilution, and even then I thought their tracks were weak compared to their debut.

I would say that Voracious Contempt is early proto-slam (actually, probably a big influence on deathcore too), but definitely more in the way of hardcore songwriting, and the slams are structured in such a way that they are followed up by upbeat sections and technical shifts out of character for early "actual slam" like Devourment (whose slams lead to other slams that are often slower and even more distinct).
I think Blunt Force Trauma is one of my least favorite Japanese slam bands. Yeah, they are slam. Katalepsy was definitely the best part of Triumph of Evilution, and even then I thought their tracks were weak compared to their debut.

Ah really? Disconformity and Infected Malignity are my fave JPDM bands. I wasn't very happy with the vocals on the split by Katalespy. The inhales are very dry and irritating and the dumb Saw samples :0

I would say that Voracious Contempt is early proto-slam (actually, probably a big influence on deathcore too), but definitely more in the way of hardcore songwriting, and the slams are structured in such a way that they are followed up by upbeat sections and technical shifts out of character for early "actual slam" like Devourment (whose slams lead to other slams that are often slower and even more distinct).

I just get very defensive when people think that its not slam if it doesn't sound like Devourment. I didn't mean they we're over-rated, but their new cd. I'm also a huge fan of Voracious Contempt. I just thinks its a shame so many slam bands today have lost the groove, that mid paced goodness!