Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Goddamnit lol. I want to hear the new Vulvectomy so bad, but right now i can barely afford rent and food. T_T
The album is goddamned amazing so far. Starting 2010 on a high note. I hope Gorevent is the same.
Gorevent - Abnormal Exaggeration
Human Excoriation - Virulent Infestation
Vulvectomy - Post Abortion Slut fuck
Murder Intentions - A prelude to Total Decay
Decrepit Artery - Sick Demo 2010

Tonight is going to be a damn good night. Decrepit artery is only two songs, but was free so what the hell.

Edit : Gorevent - Abnormal Exaggeration is Simply a must have!, it is AMAZING slam!
Can't believe you're just now getting into Gorevent! At least you won't have to wait too long to hear their 2nd album. That comes out Feb/Mar. :)

Post-Abortion Slut Fuck is amazing, I love it!!