Brutal/Slam Death Metal

The vocals are on top of everthing unlike PCF, which I like. At first the actual sound of the vocals were disapointing - they're not as gutteral. But I think they fit very well now and quite like them. I say its an improvement. Both PCF and PASF are top notch slam cd's.
Just got done listening to Vulvectomy, actually a couple hours ago. Jesus... This is just so much better than the debut. I liked the debut as well though. Last half of the album is such an ass kicker man... I mean you think the first half is great, wait till you hear the last 4 tracks.
Down From The Wound is good. I really like their slammy parts. I recommend checking out Internal Torture. They only have a Split album so far.
Is Dying Fetus considered slam? I think some of their earlier stuff might be but most of their other stuff is brutal/technical death metal.
How can you categorize if you've only heard their newest?

They are slam,... definitely grotesque impalment and infatution with malevolence

It's also evident in alot of their other stuff... but not as prevalent.
DFTW are one of my favorites. i havnt listend to their stuff from the split yet though.

i consider Dying Fetus slam. they were one of the first death metal bands i ever listened to, but i never fully appreciated their music until i learned about and got into slam.
The split shows them stepping up their game significantly in every single department (fans of DFTW will note the drumming, which was originally great, as being somehow even better and more fitting this time 'round), plus their cover of Liege of Inveracity is sick.