Brutal/Slam Death Metal

How can you categorize if you've only heard their newest?

They are slam,... definitely grotesque impalment and infatution with malevolence

It's also evident in alot of their other stuff... but not as prevalent.

I like Devourment, Guttural Secrete, Blunt Force Trauma and Human Mincer. What else should I look into?
Wormed, Disgorge, Septycal Gorge, Infernal Revulsion, Pathology, Katalepsy
I like Devourment, Guttural Secrete, Blunt Force Trauma and Human Mincer. What else should I look into?

Abominable Putridity - 2007 - In The End Of Human Existence
Awaiting The Autopsy - 2009 - Couldn't Tell The Bodies Apart
Gorevent - 2008 - Abnormal Exaggeration
Human Rejection - 2009 - Decrepit To Insanity
Ingested - 2009 - Surpassing The Boundaries Of Human Suffering
Insidious Decrepancy - 2009 - Extirpating Omniscient Certitude
Sintury - 1998 - Disgorging The Dead
Vomit Remnants - 2005 - Supreme Vehemence
Vomit The Soul - 2009 - Apostles Of Inexpression
Vulvectomy - 2010 - Post-Abortion Slut Fuck
Question, why does half the slam scene LOVE Ingested? The production is overbearingly awful, terrible drumming, and it sounds more Deathcore then BDM/Slam most of the time. :S
I'm scared for the new AP. The first release was great at the time, but it REALLY wears off on you, as its so boring after repeated listens. And now with Big Chocolate? I donnou if they'll be good anymore. T_T. But the new logo is cooler then the old one. lol