Brutal/Slam Death Metal

^That's pretty cool - I hope they do better this time around.
Personally I love all their releases. One thing that I love about the last is the drumming wich never stayed on the same thing too much. For example on the same guitar riff we've had some blast and some groovier drum fills and it was allways working perfectly.
I kind of like them, I don't like the samples, but the music is more solid. I've got to pick up their EP from all the good things I'm hearing

Release date: February 25th, 2010

After hearing the full album pre-production and then hearing what one of the songs sounds like produced and mastered. I have to say I think its going to top their debut.
Gorevent will top almost everything this year, cept for Wormed!
No because Gorevent is some primitive Slamming Death Metal (one of the best with Abominable Putridity). And this is the kind of stuff that I love but that are far from being the top of Brutal Death Metal. To be the best Slam Band you have to make more variation like including technical riffs or really fast sections and not only Slam, Funeral Slams and semi-blast section (190-200 BPM).
To be the best Slam Band you have to make more variation like including technical riffs or really fast sections and not only Slam, Funeral Slams and semi-blast section (190-200 BPM).

Is that a fact? One of the reasons why I like many slam bands is because they are primitive and don't try to inject too much technicality into their material. If those types of things are mandatory to be a top slam band, then I prefer the inferior bands.
No because Gorevent is some primitive Slamming Death Metal (one of the best with Abominable Putridity). And this is the kind of stuff that I love but that are far from being the top of Brutal Death Metal. To be the best Slam Band you have to make more variation like including technical riffs or really fast sections and not only Slam, Funeral Slams and semi-blast section (190-200 BPM).
Are you serious? Gorevent is one of the most "true" slam bands, as they just keep to the slams. And because they are truer to the formula then other bands, they can't be among the top? Retarded argument. Also, Gorevents new tracks do have technical parts and blast sections, so pay more attention.
If you like Gorevent there's a lot more that you will probably also like. Not to say that Gorevent are mundane or average, it's just that as others have mentioned they are "troo" slam. They play slam and only slam and do it very well.