Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Gorevent definitely stick to their roots in slam death metal. When i am hungry for some slams, they are definitely one of the first bands that i'll listen to. It seems as though many other bands are doing away with their slams. What a shame..
Is that a fact? One of the reasons why I like many slam bands is because they are primitive and don't try to inject too much technicality into their material. If those types of things are mandatory to be a top slam band, then I prefer the inferior bands.
It's no mandatory but for my taste you have to put some variations and originality to be top notch Brutal Death Metal.
Gorevent is really good but after 4 or 5 listens the effect of a too simple kind of music even if it is catchy as hell are beginning to dissipate.
But I understand that for some people it may don't. In fact I wasn't trying to say "the truth" but more what I think make the best BDM.

My last post wasn't very clear and just for those who doubt about it I love Gorevent, Abominable Putridity and the like but they are not my all time favorites BDM slam Bands.
Are you serious? Gorevent is one of the most "true" slam bands, as they just keep to the slams. And because they are truer to the formula then other bands, they can't be among the top? Retarded argument. Also, Gorevents new tracks do have technical parts and blast sections, so pay more attention.
I just listened the track that malice posted from their new cd. And from what im hearing their isn't any technicity at all....
But of course I will listen to the whole album as soon as I get it.

And I love when it's all about slams but I think that a good slampart is even more powerfull when it comes after a fucking brutal and fast (not necessary techy) section.
I can find some merit in that explanation of your opinion, so yeah. Big slams are awesome after furious blast sections, for sure.
I rarely listen to technical brutal death metal, like repulsive dissection and kataplexia, etc. You say throw in a little twist with technicality? I say there is no twist. when your ears are assaulted with fast riffs and drumming for about 5 minutes it all begins to sound the same, now, I know you could point out that all slam sounds alike, and as true as that may be, I'm not buying that technicality makes things different. Wormed did great because everything fit in place perfectly. They didn't need technicality to pull it off.

I know it's a matter of likes and dislikes, I can throw on my favorite generic slam album ten times a day if I really wanted to, but only a technical album once. Gorevent are extremely talented, and like everyone else points out are true slam. I think alot of bands coming out now are trying to spice things up with the slam scene because everything sounds similar, but it just derogates from slam's true meaning, and makes me have to sift through a lot of bands that could sound better had they not of tried to differentiate themselves so much.
Wormed is surely technical...

And I was not saying that tech BDM is the best I was saying that Slam concentrated only on slamparts can be boring.
Embryonic Depravity, Septycal Gorge, Human Mincer do have some heavy slams, techy parts, grind parts and fast slams and to me they are more enjoyable in the long run.

In fact I like slam bands that aren't techy at all but can add more variation than just slam followed by slower slam and not a blast over 200 BPM. The main default is that you're almost never surprised by what you hear.

In any event I enjoy all kind of slam and Gorevent style has the quality of it's default. It's very easy to get into because it goes straight to the point.
Finally it's good to have different kinds of Slam and not only one way to do it...
There isn't much tech in any slam bands...
For the last time I wasn't saying that Slam needs overtechnical riffs. But a lil' bit of tech doesn't hurt (even if it's a single short riff from time to time).
And by techy I wasn't thinking about Viraemia or Braindrill boring sweeping but more of technical brutality "à la" Disgorge or some moments in latest Embryonic Depravity (just some examples).
And those passages are technical if you're a guitarist you surely know that.
I've read what your saying and your example's of tech aren't very technical, other than Viramia an Braindrill, but they aren't great bands. I agree a lil bit of tech is good infact bands that use a range of music styles are awesome. I'm saying most slam doesn't have technical guitar riffage, even if they think it is techy, it usually still isn't all that hard to play.
The new Gorevent album demo fuckin' kicks ass. I kinda like the stripped down demo production as well, makes it sound even rawer and more primitive. The snares sound especially savage and brutal. Hailzzzzzzz
New gorevent sounds pretty damn good, they actually remind me more of Devourment then anything else!

infected malignity, christ, what the hell is that.
That's not Infected Malignity. It's their old bassist + the new vocalist branching out. IM got their old vocalist back and are returning to their slam sound, so they wanted nothing to do with it.
That's not Infected Malignity. It's their old bassist + the new vocalist branching out. IM got their old vocalist back and are returning to their slam sound, so they wanted nothing to do with it.
It's true but are you sure that they stop deathcore ? Because on their myspace there is only songs from their deathcore EP "Rebel".