Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Diminished - Chainsaw Cunt was way better than I expected. Maybe because that vaginal saw entorturement ep was boring as shit.
Went through the Comatose catalog and made a list....

Wormed - Planisphaerium
Pathology - Age of Onset
Poppy Seed Grinder - Humanophobia
Pus Vomit - Degrade the Worthless
Putridity - Mental Prolapse Induced Necrophilism
Devourment - Butcher the Weak
Abysmal Torment - Epoch of Methodic Carnage
Awaiting the Autopsy - Couldn't Tell the Bodies Apart
Egemony - Baptism of the Unborn
Enmity - Illuminations of Vile Engorgement
Gorevent - Abnormal Exaggeration
Human Filleted - Hideous Sculptures of the Dead
Lust of Decay - Purity Through Dismemberment

Can get all those but one, this friday. I is excite.

Like all of those except Poppy Seed Grinder & Abysmal Torment
my favorites are
Guttural Secrete
Abominable Putridity
Human Rejection
Defeated Sanity
It's something about the ridiculousness of the image, mingled with the cartoony style of painting used. I just like it.

It just looks amateurish IMO. I don't really like any gore covers so I suppose I can't have a valid opinion on what would make them good or bad.
New Human Mastication this fall.

2 releases this year actually! a Split this Summer that will be vinyl only. Limited to only 100 color and 200 black vinyl
and a MCD in the Fall.


May can't come soon enough!

Defeated Sanity - Chapters Of Repugnance (May 4, 2010)
Parasitic Extirpation - Casketless (May 2010)
Short Bus Pile Up - Repulsive Display Of Human Upholstery (May 22, 2010)
Colonize The Rotting - Composting The Masticated (May 22, 2010)
Cenotaph - Putrescent Infectious Rabidity (May 22, 2010)
Human Filleted - Blunt Force Embludgeonment (May 22, 2010)
thats awesome. I quess I know what I want for my birthday. 12 days after defeated sanity's release date