Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Embryonic Depravity, Ingested and Infected Disarray are the only UK Slam bands I'm aware of. I'm not sure how good the latter are but I really like the first band and like what I have heard from the second.
Infected Disarray is awful.
Ingested had potential but went and became deathcore pretty much. Horrid core production.
Embyronic Depravity is amazing.
Anyone have any more recommendations for me? Like I said before I'm looking for good heavy production Slam that is similar to Dying Fetus ie lots of slamming hardcoreish groove sections, not a lot of tremlo picking, less burps etc. Criminal Element was really good, Poppy Seed Grinder was pretty good; the biggest thing is having the thick heavy production, slamming hardcoreish riffs and less burps. There's so many bands I can't sort through them all considering I don't like most of them.
Haven't checked this thread in like a year, glad to see it's stil going.
I definitely agree that Internal Bleeding was one of the first "slam" bands, but Devourment perfected it and made it what it is today.
I always find myself going back to them, and still think there are really no bands more brutal than them.

Can someone recommend me some slam with Inveracity style or AJ Magana style vocals?
To guy looking Dying Fetusy type stuff: Try Perverse Dependence. Not that much like DF, but they remind me a lot of Czech Deathgrind which you seem to really dig. You might also like Alienation Mental and Squash Bowels.

To guy asking if brutal death is big in US: It's very big in the South and West and somewhat big in the Midwest, but is pretty weak in the Northeast where I am originally from. Probably the most fertile areas of brutal death in the US are California and Texas.

Re: Dying Fetus: I am a big fan and their newest album is good, although when I listen to them I tend towards Destroy the Opposition and Killing on Adrenaline.
Re: Dying Fetus: I am a big fan and their newest album is good, although when I listen to them I tend towards Destroy the Opposition and Killing on Adrenaline.
This is exactly my opinion, although I also like Grotesque Impalement. Stop at Nothing, War of Attrition, and Purification through Violence aren't that good.
haven't heard of 'slam death metal' but i've heard of math slam and power slam. Is it the same as dunkin dip doom and non-european-core-core?