Brutal/Slam Death Metal

You slam that fuckin' sickness, bros before hoes, blood brothers for life.
I've never listened to much Dying Fetus but I liked the song, Homicidal Retribution from War of Attrition. Judging from what people are saying, I guess the rest of the album isn't quite the same quality.
I dont even like dying fetus

Dying Fetus sound like typical modern video game sounding/style DM band. That's what I call it anyways. See how many times they can sweep pick randomly in songs,etc.. it sounds ridiculous and awkward, how much can you differentiate sweep picking, it's also a lead technique and you have all these bands like DF and metalcore bands that just abuse it. All the songs sound exactly the same and are annoying as fuck. Add the entire clicky/plastic drums and production sound. I just find bands like this really terrible.
Just fuck off.

I cant imagine many people in this thread not liking Grotesque Impalement, it's straight devourment worship.

Killing on Adrenaline is awesome too and saying it sounds the same throughout is wrong and dumb, which provoked the above hostility.
Anyone have any more recommendations for me? Like I said before I'm looking for good heavy production Slam that is similar to Dying Fetus ie lots of slamming hardcoreish groove sections, not a lot of tremlo picking, less burps etc. Criminal Element was really good, Poppy Seed Grinder was pretty good; the biggest thing is having the thick heavy production, slamming hardcoreish riffs and less burps. There's so many bands I can't sort through them all considering I don't like most of them.

You might like these guys Peshmerga - Murderous Acts Of Cruelty. It's on Brutal Zone \m/ if ya want to check it out.
Why is there always someone who brings up Devourment on every page? We get the picture already. Gods of slam, blablabla heard it 99999 times.

no, no, no, Kings of Brutal Death Metal (another sub genre of DM). FUCK slam! and the fact IS Devourment fucking OWN.
Why wouldnt you like Dying Fetus? They have a history of producing extremely fast and brutally awesome records. My first brutal death metal album was Dying Fetus - Stop At Nothing five years ago. I still love the album, even though it may not be one of their best. Its fast as fuck and extremely heavy. Since when was being technically proficient a bad thing?
Since when was being technically proficient a bad thing?

I love DF. But when bands do it just for the sake of doing it and forget to write songs that are memorable it can be a bad thing. Sometimes im really in the mood to have my ears get destroyed by technical stuff but not all the time. Thats just me personally.
Why wouldnt you like Dying Fetus? They have a history of producing extremely fast and brutally awesome records. My first brutal death metal album was Dying Fetus - Stop At Nothing five years ago. I still love the album, even though it may not be one of their best. Its fast as fuck and extremely heavy. Since when was being technically proficient a bad thing?

Sup Nick, it's Logan here. All I can really say is that Dying Fetus used to be quite good, around the time of Grotesque Impalement, but the fact of the matter is nothing they've done since then really works. It seems way too slapped together. Being technically proficient isn't a bad thing, look at bands like Defeated Sanity, Gortuary, Disgorge, etc. But adding random sweeps takes away from the overall brutality and cohesivenes of the sound.
I love DF. But when bands do it just for the sake of doing it and forget to write songs that are memorable it can be a bad thing. Sometimes im really in the mood to have my ears get destroyed by technical stuff but not all the time. Thats just me personally.

I never really thought of DF as "one of those bands". I mean, Brain Drill are fun as fuck to listen to, but the songwriting process gets lost trying to sweep this, and jizz on guitars that. I understand where youre coming from, though. Just didnt think DF were that obnoxious...

Sup Nick, it's Logan here. All I can really say is that Dying Fetus used to be quite good, around the time of Grotesque Impalement, but the fact of the matter is nothing they've done since then really works. It seems way too slapped together. Being technically proficient isn't a bad thing, look at bands like Defeated Sanity, Gortuary, Disgorge, etc. But adding random sweeps takes away from the overall brutality and cohesivenes of the sound.

Sup niggaaaaa. Grotesque Impalement is ill. \m/ I dunno. They can be intense, although I think their newest release is a big step up in that perspective. Theres many technical innuendos, but they never go quite overboard. Agreed on the random sweeps point, though.
Slam and I have had a bit of a falling out, I must say. I've only really been able to listen to the absolutely barbaric primitive pounding shit like Putridity and Vulvectomy.

Anyone want to recommend me a couple more bands that just fucking slam with virtually no bullshit?