Brutal/Slam Death Metal

The worst thing is I know every one of those bands and they're great recommendations... I just have to relearn everything again.
I seriously don't understand how people can't like Dying Fetus. It does have some noodly waddly woodly sweep sections yeah but not that much, it's mostly just slamming groove and really fucking brutal death metal with some hardcore elements. I don't like bad production death metal but I even like Dying Fetus's early stuff. Also every time I see them they just fucking destroy the stage, even as a 3 piece.
Enemy242 is the man.

And yeah, I got really into slam a while back. I still like it, but I dont listen to it as often as I used to. Those are the basics, lemme know if you want some more recs. Oh, and check out Infernal Revulsion and Cerebral Effusion. Two HEAVY bands I forgot to mention.
I seriously don't understand how people can't like Dying Fetus

I seriously don't understand how you can keep talking about them. god damn, I just said I didn't like it, not why, WHY is because for the most part I don't like my ears assaulted with technicality and sweeps, and I kow they have slower parts, but for the most part, it's not MY concept of what I think is brutal.

Btw, I haven't heard short bus pile up yet, is the album pretty decent?
Anyone want to recommend me a couple more bands that just fucking slam with virtually no bullshit?

Cerebral Effusion - 2010 - Impulsive Psychopathic Acts
Infertile Surrogacy - 2008 - Postulate Of Mass Genocide EP
Guttural Decay - 2010 - Epoch Of Racial Extermination
Internal Bleeding - 1994 - Perpetual Degradation EP

I haven't heard short bus pile up yet, is the album pretty decent?

It's one of the few albums we all agree is great, so yes, check it out.
Hi guise, just wanted to pop in and make a post about how these 2010 records are really cool and all:







Really fuckin' surprised by the excellence of the Inherit Disease full length. Their first was pretty mediocre, but I really dig this one. The Cephalic Impurity one was a major surprise as well. Cerebral Effusion's latest offering is probably my favourite out of the ones listed.

Haven't really listened enough to the new Defeated Sanity, the Peshmerga, Human Filleted and Vulvectomy albums, and the Vomitous EP. Gorevent's "Worship Paganism" was pretty meh after the first couple of listens, perhaps it'll grow on me Idunnolol.

Any notable releases that I've missed out on?
Uh, Chapters of Repugnance shits on all those. In fact, only the Cenotaph and Cerebral Effusion are above average, the rest are average to awful.
Colonize the rotting is a local band from around here; I'm surprised they have a wide audience. we've played a few shows with them at a venue in a suburb of SF. Surprisingly there's a lot of small local slam death metal bands around here but the nature of the genre means people from all over the world listen to them. odd stuff. everyone in these bands knows each other or plays in other bands; it's insanely incestuous but yeah i guess i kinda take for granted how much love for slam there is around here.
Eh, theres just something about CtR that doesn't work for me. It's the same with 99% of calislam.