Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Gimme some album suggestions! So far I've bought Defeated Sanity's "Chapters of Repugnance", Goretrade's latest, and Devourment's latest, plus I'm probably gonna snag some of Infernal Revulsion's stuff. What else should I get?
Gimme some album suggestions! So far I've bought Defeated Sanity's "Chapters of Repugnance", Goretrade's latest, and Devourment's latest, plus I'm probably gonna snag some of Infernal Revulsion's stuff. What else should I get?
Gorevent - Abnormal Exaggeration
Abominable Putridity - In The End Of Human Existence
Vomit The Soul - Apostles Of Inexpression
Pus Vomit - Degrade The Worthless
Guttural Secrete - Reek Of Pubescent Despoilment
Devourment - 1.3.8
Vomitous - last EP
Abysmal Torment - Epoch Of Methodic Carnage
Katalepsy - all except the last promo
Down From The Wound - their part of their 5-way split is awesome
Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies
Defeated Sanity - all
Cerebral Effusion - Impulsive Psychopathic Acts
Cerebral Incubation - Asphyxiating On Excrement
Degrade - Lost Torso Found
Despondency - God On Acid
Kraanium - Ten Acts Of Sickening Perversity + last split
Wormed - all
Human Mincer - Degradation Paradox
Soils Of Fate - Crime Syndicate

Here you have some different stuff ranging from ultra slow/basic slam to more fast and technical brutal death (but all bands does have some slams in their songs).
if you're located in the US, try sevared records and comatose records first. Cds are a flat 10 or 12 bucks each and they both have never ending buy 3 get one free deals. Annnnnd free shipping within the US.

Did I mention their selections are both fantastic?

Edit: Also check out

Cerebral Effusion - Impulsive Psychopathic Acts
Pathology - Latest two, I remember you saying you like disgorge so you should love pathology.
Putrid Pile - The Pleasure In Suffering
Pus Vomit -2009- Degrade The Worthless
Short Bus Pile Up - Repulsive Display Of Human Upholstery
Vulvectomy - Both albums
Aversion to Life - Ritualized Murder
Human Mastication - Grotesque Mastication Of Putrid Innards
Infinite Defilement - Disgorging Humanity
I'm an Amazon MP3 whore. Albums in this genre tend to be $5-7, plus instant download. I just snagged a couple while I was at work (plus local band Kamikabe WHO YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT).

Damn, this is a sick list. I'm loving this style far too much to be healthy, LOL.
A few of my favorites not mentioned
- Ingurgitate /good oldschool BDM
- Infertile surrogacy / very good slam
- Gore sanctum / Slam
- Epicardiectomy / Purely slam / groove
- Cephalic Impurity / BDM with some technicality
- Dysentry / Nihilistic sounding slam
- Pus Vomit / Catchy slam, sounds similar to Vulvectomy
- Saprogenic / BDM with catchy slams

I've been getting more and more into more techy BDM, mainly because it seems to be the only thing coming out lately. Introrectalgestation is one that stuck out, really good album to check out. Also I listened to the katalepsy promo from 2010, It was fucking good to say the least. Looking forward to the new one.
I do love techy DM (be it brutal or not), but I swear I cannot handle all the bands that just over-produce. I want to hear imperfections and the acoustic sound. I'm a drummer so I listen hard to the drums a lot of the time, so when the guy's snare sounds 100% even throughout every song it just kills it for me. I want to hear dynamics!
Also, picked up Ichneumanoid upon discovering it was your avatar. One word: holymotherfuckingshit. The moment "Bloodwork" blasted into my ears I was hooked. These guys are rad.
You might like their older alum, "the wet sounds of flesh on concrete" too. It's a little more old school DM.

Kamakabi sound pretty alright, I cant relate them to anything in my library, I don't have much of a collection on Technical BDM. Maybe someone else here would. I want to get more into this genre too, while avoiding bands like dying fetus.
You might like their older alum, "the wet sounds of flesh on concrete" too. It's a little more old school DM.

Kamakabi sound pretty alright, I cant relate them to anything in my library, I don't have much of a collection on Technical BDM. Maybe someone else here would. I want to get more into this genre too, while avoiding bands like dying fetus.
I will never know why Dying Fetus is so hated...
Every album they have done is good. Im just okay to say that some songs have too much hardcore but it's cool.
A relatively "underground" slam band (if that isn't redundant enough) is Fumes of Decay. Not much hype at all around them, but if you like really groovy slam then I'd give it a try.
You might like their older alum, "the wet sounds of flesh on concrete" too. It's a little more old school DM.

Kamakabi sound pretty alright, I cant relate them to anything in my library, I don't have much of a collection on Technical BDM. Maybe someone else here would. I want to get more into this genre too, while avoiding bands like dying fetus.

I like DF a lot, but honestly Misery Index nails the tech-BDM idea waaaaaayyyy better, IMO.
Eh, I don't think DF is that techy either, but if we're going to lump one into the group we might as well take both!
Does anyone know how to get a good guitar tone when playing slam? I play the same chord progressions as a lot of slam death metal bands do, but frankly it sounds like shit. Help would be appreciated!
Does anyone know how to get a good guitar tone when playing slam? I play the same chord progressions as a lot of slam death metal bands do, but frankly it sounds like shit. Help would be appreciated!
What are your guitar pickups, amp and cab ? Also what is your tuning ?

For Slam any generic seven string with decent pickups tuned in B or A can do the trick. For the amp a 5150, Engl Powerball and others, Mesa Recto. As fot the cab a V30 Cab or a Vader with eminence would be cool.

I use a Engl fireball 60 amplifier with the Engl xxl 4x12 v30 cabinet and my guitar is a shitty ibanez rg7321 with an X2N dimarzio on bridge. My guitar is tuned like that ADGCFAD (standard A) and I get a absolutely punishing tone out of this.
There's a tech lean, I know, but to me they aren't nearly at the tech level of an Augury or Obscura. More like a death/hardcore band with periodic weedlies. And I LOVE 'em for it, even if I prefer the Misery Index offshoot.