Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Lol anyone loving those two tracks of AP don't know shit about slam...

Here we have a unique specimen, first ever encounter with a slam hipster. :loco:

I liked the Abnormity tracks better than the AP tracks but any slam is good slam IMO!
New Putridity sucks.
Cease Of Breeding - Sounds Of Disembowelment is cool.
Here we have a unique specimen, first ever encounter with a slam hipster. :loco:

I liked the Abnormity tracks better than the AP tracks but any slam is good slam IMO!
New Putridity sucks.
Cease Of Breeding - Sounds Of Disembowelment is cool.
New Putridity is fucking sick and im sorry but im pretty sure that most of the people from this board will be ok with my point of view about the new AP tracks.
And if every slam is good you must be loving artery eruption and mark gutturawl shitty albums....
This is what I don't get, This board is mixed with BDM and Slam. The "slam" is usually mostly BDM anyways, usually with a slam put randomly in a track. there are pure slam bands and BDM that incorporate slam. Most of the music in my library is BDM.

Abominable Putridity are one of those pure slam bands, I can hear it in their old and the new ones. One of the things that I really like is Matti Way's fast paced vocals, they are actually perfect for the music, the guitar is still palm muted and heavy blasted in your ear. The drums are powerful too, it's just a constant Double bass pedal. The one thing that hurt ITEOHE was the vocalist being so monotonous, I remember everyone stating that "it got old quick".

Everything is the same, the production does sound better. I think Krucifier got it right with the term, "slam hipster". I don't find anything wrong with personal preference, but saying I (for example) don't know shit about slam. I like seeing where Slam evolves, and I like going back to the old style too. Alot of this year so far has been Tech/BDM. Personally I think there are only so many breakdowns and slow tempo rhythm you can create.

TL;DR, AP is going to drop the best slam album of the year.
Wow, seriously get off your fucking high horse. You're actually saying that someone isn't a slam fan unless they're listening to a couple albums which you happen to be enjoying at the moment? Get over it.

The new AP sounds good, but I personally liked the bass-heavy mix on In The End Of Human Existence a bit more. Still good though.
Wow, seriously get off your fucking high horse. You're actually saying that someone isn't a slam fan unless they're listening to a couple albums which you happen to be enjoying at the moment? Get over it.

The new AP sounds good, but I personally liked the bass-heavy mix on In The End Of Human Existence a bit more. Still good though.
Im just not digging every release in the style and found the new AP to be more deathcorish slam than pure slam and thats what I dislike. Also the production is just too polished for me. I like huge production but here its too much.

And I don't want to say that my opinion is the voice of god but im just pretty sure that the peoples that know a lot about slam will dislike new AP style. V5 already says that he was dissapointed, Malice seems to think like him and Cookiecutter I don't know. Those three people made me discover about 2/3 of the Slammy BDM that I listen now and made me develop my taste.
Slam is inherently dumb but there is more to it than even the artists themselves realize (in a lot of cases, I presume) and therefore I think it is safe to say that it is, by that token, more prone to being dissected on a particular level, both because it is/tends to be so unilateral and because that one direction can pique so much more discussion, thought and analysis.
I think you forgot to finish your sentence V5. Stop partying now that College is over.

Anywho, of course slam is a "dumb" genre, but theres much more to it then meets the eyes, especially when you look at bands such as Gorepoflesh, Masturbation, or Dripping.
I thought that the two track sounded amazing. However, they have gone more to the deathcore side of things, if you ask me, but then again slam death was always closer to deathcore than other forms of death metal.
Cranial Osteotomy - 2011 - Victim Of Wicked Sickness

Debut Full Length CD of fucking sick Ultra Brutal Slamming Brutal Death Metal from West Siberia!

Sent to Press

Decaying Purity - 2011 - The Existence Of Infinite Agony

The very highly anticipated 2nd full length CD of one of Turkeys most Brutal Guttural Tech. Death Metal bands. Amazing cover art done by the migthy Toshi Egawa!

Summer 2011

Sarcophagy - 2011 - T.B.A.

With their first demo release "Hunger Pains" in 1993, Sarcophagy began to establish themselves among the heaviest unsigned bands in the U.S. With the release of their second demo "Cut to Pieces" in 1995, the bands apparent commitment to raising the bar of brutality was instantly recognized. The next year was filled with writing new material and a slew of live performances. It seemed a full length album was inevitable. Due to their disbandment in late 1996, this never came to be, and left many fans unsatisfied. After 13 years, founder and guitarist Aaron Maedge, along with former bassist Anthony Voight, decided to return to their roots and bring Sarcophagy back to life. With the addition of Guitarist Ryan Saylor, and drummer Kyle Christman (HUMAN FILLETED, GORGASM, etc..), the band began to focus on releasing Sarcophagy's first full length album. With the much welcomed backing from Sevared Records, Sarcophagy will enter the Studio in May to finally record the material. This album will be nothing but 100% skull crushing old school brutal Death Metal, with sick ass cover art by Jon Zig.
Yay new Decaying Purity!

hey dudes, I just wrote a new review (GASP!) at S-M, so go read it. Don't be put off by the length; it's interspersed with relevant fiction that ties the analysis together.

I think you forgot to finish your sentence V5. Stop partying now that College is over.

I just re-read it because you said this and I can't find anything grammatically incorrect. I just graduated and now a young Canadian is picking on my grammar? :p It is all semantically correct and, for the most part, exactly what I wanted to say.
Yay new Decaying Purity!

hey dudes, I just wrote a new review (GASP!) at S-M, so go read it. Don't be put off by the length; it's interspersed with relevant fiction that ties the analysis together.

I just re-read it because you said this and I can't find anything grammatically incorrect. I just graduated and now a young Canadian is picking on my grammar? :p It is all semantically correct and, for the most part, exactly what I wanted to say.

Actually, your sentence was cut off at the start of there or whatnot for me, I don't know why. :confused:
Cranial Osteotomy is a band that uses one riff for entire song. Andy, that review is cool.
I'm just glad you're updating again. I think I bought everything on your "top ten of 2010/2008" lists.