Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I'm currently bored with my standard melodeath and power metal, so I've been listening to more brutal death lately. I like the "wanky" stuff like Hour Of Penance, Defeated Sanity, and Decrepit Birth. Any recommendations for some fast-as-fuck brutal death with a few technical parts and solos throughout? I can tolerate pig squeals, but prefer the low growling.
Insidious Decrepancy and Septycal Gorge are my two favourite bdm bands.
many people dislike them but try Despondency - God On Acid and Abysmal Torment - Epoch Of Methodic Carnage.

I love Epoch, great songwriting and the production is perfectly fitting. Just needs a bit more of that fretless bass, but it's still killer. I only heard a song or two from omnicide and didn't quite like it, anyone here heard it? Like it?
I love Epoch, great songwriting and the production is perfectly fitting. Just needs a bit more of that fretless bass, but it's still killer. I only heard a song or two from omnicide and didn't quite like it, anyone here heard it? Like it?

Abysmal Torment's second one has nothing on the first tbh. The first one is very good, yeah.
Even after some prejudice from omnicide, I liked epoch of methodic carnage alot.

Heres an old favourite, with the most brutal opening in all of BDM and slam combined.
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Dunno if I'd call that the MOST brutal, but I swear one thing I love about BDM/slam is the fact that it isn't a contest for speed and note density. Some bands do go damn fast, but they don't all. It's about getting a nice chunky groove going with the right dose of heaviness.
I'm currently bored with my standard melodeath and power metal, so I've been listening to more brutal death lately. I like the "wanky" stuff like Hour Of Penance, Defeated Sanity, and Decrepit Birth. Any recommendations for some fast-as-fuck brutal death with a few technical parts and solos throughout? I can tolerate pig squeals, but prefer the low growling.
What everyone else said plus Hideous Deformity. I'm listening to their new album now and it is kicking ass. Lots of solos and techy parts, mixed with some headbanging chugging parts. Vocals are Suffocationy growls.
I'm currently bored with my standard melodeath and power metal, so I've been listening to more brutal death lately. I like the "wanky" stuff like Hour Of Penance, Defeated Sanity, and Decrepit Birth. Any recommendations for some fast-as-fuck brutal death with a few technical parts and solos throughout? I can tolerate pig squeals, but prefer the low growling.

You could try these as well, quite what you seem to be looking for, but not 100% monotonous grinding through songs.


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Vital Remains just isnt brutal death metal... They're damn good though, especially the first 4, old school death/black with fantastic guitar work as far as I'm concerned.
Visceral Disgorge - 2011 - Ingesting Putridity


Yeah, gotta say, it sounded featureless from what I heard. I might review it but I generally dislike writing negative reviews.