Brutal/Slam Death Metal

It‘s a tradition that Ancient Necropsy has bad coverarts and it brings a smile to my face.

I gave it one listen. It was good, but not amazing. I think he has steadily gotten fairly normal since Deformed King's Mummification, which I think stands as his masterpiece still.
You're missing out on some great bands then

Sorry man, listened to 'em and just wasn't feeling it. Mindly Rotten sounded like a second-rate Brain Drill and I admit I love Ancient Necropsy's old-school Cannibal Corpse sound but it didn't strike me as anything special.
The Mindly Rotten stuff sounds fucking weird/stupid, and AN is in no way that similar to old school Cannibal Corpse, honestly.

I did just review the new AN however ;)
It might just be the production, but the guitar and drums just REALLY remind me of Tomb of the Mutilated -era Corpse. I dunno.
What's the opinion on Cerebral Bore? I just heard one of their songs from their debut and it sounded pretty promising. Is the entire album worth purchasing?
New Abnormity is out..... It blew my face off. Successors to Abominable Putridity's russian BDM crown.