Brutal/Slam Death Metal

...... this is pretty awesome actually. Good solo too.
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Sounds pretty good, tbh. I kind of dig the weird way that first riff is written, and the slam is pretty excellent with the weird, swaying rhythm that evolves into a more typical one (sounds a lot like Gorevent actually). The progression is pretty fantastic after that. I could definitely get into this.
Is Slamentation a cool name for a slamming band?

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Well at least you know you're not going to be in for any surprises!
"A man's got to know his limitations" - Harry Callahan
Slam death metal is one of my least favorite genres within death metal, although I do like slam metal bands if they do is right in my eyes.. My favorite slam death metal band is probably "Amagortis", my favorite album of theirs being "Intrinsic Indecency".. The songs have the short audio clips from movies and TV shows like many grindcore bands, which I do enjoy.. Medium/slow pace, great guitar tone, deep guttural vocals, and brutal as fuck..
Just heard Turbidity the other day, wondered why they hadn't been discussed. I was going to, but it looks like you beat me to it with a badass review. But I ain't complaining dude, badass review!
Definitely liking that AP track. When is that album supposed to release?
Who is the new vocalist? He sounds better than Big C :p

I've been wanting to know when it's released too...On their Myspace page, it says summer 2011, but summer's almost over soooo.....Anyway, the new vocalist is Matti Way from Pathology. Pathology's new vocalist is Jon Huber from I Declare War.