Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I like the songs I've heard..will have to listen to the entire album.
A lot of negativity about new slam material being released. I sometimes question whether people posting on this thread really like the genre outside of a handful of bands.
The genre has grown stale for me, so stale, in fact, I dont even like the bands I used to enjoy.

Some of the oldest stuff, sure... but for the most part, I'd rather listen to something else.

Which brings me to this:
I have 10 slam albums I want to sell as a lot.

$50 shipped in the US for
Putrid Pile - The Pleasure in Suffering
Vulvectomy - Post Abortion Slut Fuck
Pus Vomit - Degrade the Worthless
Human Mastication - Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards
Human Filleted - Hideous Sculptures of the Dead
Egemony - Baptism of the Unborn
Lust of Decay - Purity Through Dismemberment
Abuse - Like a Virgin
Malodourous - Amarenthine Redolence
Infinite Defilement - Disgorging Humanity
I checked out a few songs by Visceral Disgorge, the album sounds solid so far. Cant find anything wrong with them. the vocals remind me of the ones on the new katalepsy promo.
Well that's a fairly odd thing to ask. Yea, they're in the jewel cases that came directly from the distros I bought them from.

PM me if you're interested.
I was a little disappointed with Dead but Breathing, though I downloaded it and only listened a couple of times. My biggest gripe was on the vocals...the debut had vocals that would make your ballhair stand up, whereas they seemed a little tame on the second release. But I liked the debut so much that I am still halfway temped to buy this release, especially since I don't own the second one. What do you think sir CC
I think it makes Dead But Breathing go from a flawed album to a decent one. I still don't think it's better than the first album, but I was definitely impressed, and there were some really good moments. There is also a new song. I'd say get it if you're a big fan of the band.

EDIT: Review Up
After checking out the putridity review on slam minded, I am having slam withdrawls. Definitely going to order the album. Very well written review andy!
I checked out a few songs by Visceral Disgorge, the album sounds solid so far. Cant find anything wrong with them. the vocals remind me of the ones on the new katalepsy promo.

I found the songs I listened to be (like 3 of them maybe) to be basically worthless, blurry slam that doesn't warrant much, if any, attention. Slam really does not ever need to be like 45 minutes long per album, it really makes 0 sense why they would write that unless they were doing something incredibly engaging, which, from the songs I heard, again, did not sound like it was true. I might still give it a shot but I hate writing negative reviews (love of the scene, etc. prevent me from really openly-badmouthing slam) so it doesn't seem totally likely.

A new Ancient Necropsy is going to be released this month?

ARE YOU FUCKEN SERIOUS?! Awesome! I thought the last one was the least-best (I hesitate to say it's "bad" or the "worst so far" because Ivan is a brilliant writer and guitarist...and vocalist...and drummer...etc.) but I would love to check this.

After checking out the putridity review on slam minded, I am having slam withdrawls. Definitely going to order the album. Very well written review andy!

Thanks a lot, man! Glad you like it; I've been getting a lot of love for my review, on and the Facebook page (which, if you or anyone else hasn't joined is here!), so I assume it's one of my best yet (next to my Devourment - Unleash the Carnivore review, of course ;) ).

edit: OH SHIT almost forgot! NEW REVIEW UP ON S-M. The Gurchick Tree's demo gets 5 slams out of 5 from me.
You tend to tell it like it is without flowery language; a subjective (in regards to personal feelings and evocations in your mind of the music you've heard) yet objective (very fair, equal-handed and critical but generally willing to forgive missteps and minor character flaws in being optimistic about the big picture) foil to my generally very over-the-top, long-winded reviews with metaphors and figurative shit left and right.

I think it has to do a lot with our university backgrounds. We are/were both involved in the arts and humanities (as opposed to hard sciences or clinical stuff) but our foci differed a lot; I was more into abstract artistic shit that was tough to describe which requires extraordinary perceptive judgment to really crystallize thoughts regarding, while you, as a history major, were more about telling things like they are, through the filter of your own understandings, judgments and criticisms. It would make sense that we write the way we do; somewhat opposed in terms of language and syntax, but pretty similar and cohesive because of the similarity of our respective educations.

That makes a lot of sense and I agree. I think we went into university fields that played to, and developed, our strengths as writers. History does teach to you to find a theme, explain it clearly, and justify your thoughts. This is the way I tend to write.
Vomit the Soul split up

heres a message they released to their fans

"After some months of silence we would like to inform our fans that we decided together to close the Vomit The Soul's chapter definitively. This is a painful decision, and we would like to thank all the people that have supported us during this 10 years of activity!"

I put on their full Apostles on Inexpression album the other day wondering when they were going to release something new. Really disapointing that one of the better bands are gone.
New Mindly Rotten, Ancient Necropsy, and Carnal Decay are out there for you guys to pilfer. Oh, and Alienation Mental.
I just came back from the Death Feast Open Air in germany it was pretty cool even if the line-up wasn't as good as last year.
By the way someone can tell me if Mirus is still in Katalepsy because it was another singer...

Kastrated was very cool I spoke and drink some beers with the singer very nice guy. Putridity and Blasphemer where absolutely smashing but they seems to be a bit posers...
Decaying Purity put out a great show so as Disavowed who vocalist robbe k made almost the entire show in the pit !
The bad thing was the Devourment cancellation and the replacement by shitty hardcore/slam band Stillbirth...

Oh and its very bad that such a quality band like Vomit The Soul split.