Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Its a bit stupid question but... whats the main difference between Brutal and Slam? I think that Slam tends to have more breakdowns while brutal didnt. Am i right?
Pretty much. Brutal death is just faster and more percussive death metal. Slam has a strong emphasis on groovy, odd-timed breakdowns called "slams". That's pretty much it.
Sometimes the timing is just basic 4/4 though. Speaking of old-school slam (and basic breakdowns), people should really check the new Bodysnatch album.
Sometimes the timing is just basic 4/4 though. Speaking of old-school slam (and basic breakdowns), people should really check the new Bodysnatch album.

I'd argue it's USUALLY in common time, even, to emphasize the ability to groove and headbang with it. It might have an odd rhythm, but generally they're still in 4/4, which is part of the genre's primal appeal.

Proggy stuff is great, but simple can be VERY powerful.
You guys are slackin' on your slam.. These have all been released now and are awesome!

Abominable Putridity - 2011 - Promo
Carnivorous Voracity - 2011 - Debasement Incarnated EP
Cephalotripsy - 2011 - Promo
Flesh Throne - 2011 - Onslaught MCD
The vox are more like an instrument than anything. They're almost not intended to be understood.
Ive got a question, Whats the difference between brutal death metal and slam death metal? is it the same thing or? Ive never heard of slam death metal untill recently, whenever i thought of brutal death metal i thought of bands like guttural secrete, devourment, goratory, disgorge, foetopsy, wormed, etc...
You know with the ultra gutteral frog like vocals with none stop blast beats. So whats the diff?
Slam trends to have more of the breakdown like sections, while BDM is more straightforward. Also a big wigger influence in a lot of slam.